In A Nut Shell!!

 So…”In A Nut Shell” after having weeks…Yes, WEEKS of sickness in our house!! I am happy to report that we are all better….AMEN!!
 Mr. Smiles….say’s YAY, TOO!!

 We have feverishly been trying to “catch up”…cleaning, work, and school all seemed to”pile up”! Im hoping one more week of “normal” and we will be back in business. 4 out of 5 of us came down with pink eye, we had fevers galore, coughs that wouldn’t let up, runny noses, 2 ear infections, our first antibiotics (ever!) welcomed into our home, 4 trips to the doctor, countless “pharmacy” runs, trips to the chiropractor, and health food store….and MANY sleepless nights!! It is a work in progress…

 Until we are “caught up” we hope you and your families are well!! Happy Belated Easter!!

With Love, Pumpkin, Boo, and Mr. Smiles!!

Sick (again)!!

So we have been sick (again) in our home…Flu! Fevers! Pink Eye! You name it we have had it covered!!

Since school has consisted of a lot of couch, reading, and cuddle time minus pictures be sure to hop on over to HERE for our Monthly Food Menu and be sure to enter my “Loving Motherhood”  Give Away while your there!!

Hope this picture brightens your day…because I am longing for some real spring weather over here!! Have a wonderful weekend with your families!!

Up and Moving!

Finally after 5 days of looking like this!!!

Boo has not moved off the couch in days. She has eaten nothing but a bagel and drank only water. This poor girl has been the sickest I have ever seen her (she has actually been the sickest any of my children have ever been) poor baby!! High fever, throwing up, coughing, the list goes on….

I’m happy to report that she has at least gotten of the couch for a bit of play time!! Her sassy attitude is returning and other than a bit of “girl drama” she looks like she is on the road to recovery. I am just praying everyone else stays healthy!! We do have a bit of a croupy cough going around here too but tis’the season!! Croupy cough I can handle…fevers, throwing, up and the other…no thank you!!