So…”In A Nut Shell” after having weeks…Yes, WEEKS of sickness in our house!! I am happy to report that we are all better….AMEN!!
Mr. Smiles….say’s YAY, TOO!!
We have feverishly been trying to “catch up”…cleaning, work, and school all seemed to”pile up”! Im hoping one more week of “normal” and we will be back in business. 4 out of 5 of us came down with pink eye, we had fevers galore, coughs that wouldn’t let up, runny noses, 2 ear infections, our first antibiotics (ever!) welcomed into our home, 4 trips to the doctor, countless “pharmacy” runs, trips to the chiropractor, and health food store….and MANY sleepless nights!! It is a work in progress…
Until we are “caught up” we hope you and your families are well!! Happy Belated Easter!!
With Love, Pumpkin, Boo, and Mr. Smiles!!