St. Patricks Day Meal Plan

St. Patricks Day Meal Plan, Mom and Kid Approved, Fruit Rainbows, Shamrock Shakes, Mostly Gluten Free, Irish Nachos, Potato Cakes, and Green Puppy Chow - Yes, Please..

This post just has me hungry looking at it…

Since, my oneword365 this year is “home”  as in all things “home”; HOMEcooking, HOMEmaking, HOMEsteading, & HOMEschooling…I will be sharing some of My Happy Homestead Meal Plans with you all. Now, I only shop once a month {and, an occasional and I do mean occasional stop at the local grocer only if I seem to have forgotten something}. So, planning ahead is key to my sanity. Last year, I did not do such a great job planning and while I didn’t need to go to the store more often…the dinner ‘witching hour’ has been a bit stressful to say the least.

So, new year – new season and feeling a bit more adjusted in our new{ish} home – can you believe we have been here a year?

Back at the Meal Planning Grind – lets work together; work smarter and not harder.

Check out what I have up my sleeve for our St. Patricks Day Meal Plan {confession; I may not make all of this but, certainly hope to make at least some…need a reminder that “life happens” and sometimes are best of intentions just don’t come to fruition.}

What’s for breakfast?


I think my kids are going to love these potato cakes from Tomato Tart . With some some raw cheddar cheese from Trader Joe’s and a dollop of sour cream …can you say, yum?

fruit rainbow with words

Every kid loves fruit! Well, ok maybe not every kid – but, most! However, there is certainly something about making food into fun designs and shapes that does makes it that much more enticing, right? {FYI yes, my kids are like yours and will likely eat the chocolate and marshmallows first – it’s ok mom’s they will be fine, I promise.} I am really liking Neighbor Julia’s rainbow of colors and design she has here.


Ok., so my kids eat literally all day – I’m pretty sure I did that too. A day would not be ‘a day’ if we didn’t have 100 snacks – so, for St. Patricks Day I think a batch of minty puppy chow should do the trick. Gal on a Mission adds essential oils to hers – while, I know some do – we will not be doing so. Yes, we use oils. Yes, we love oils. We do not consume ours at this time {another day/ another post}. We will also be using natural decorating colors like these. (afflink) Also, here are the mint chips we will be using in our St. Patricks Day Puppy Chow.

Lunch Time!! Did we not just eat all morning?


I seriously can’t wait to make these Irish Nachos from Baking Beauty  – mouth watering crispy potatoes, melted cheese, Baking Beauty adds bacon {I may do that too} but, I was thinking some thinly sliced/diced corned beef would be super delicious for a twist {by the way this may end up being served at dinner with the soup as I’m pretty sure daddy-bee is going to want to be home for this number}.


Ok., while this stew from Three Beans on a String does sound super delicious. I will likely end up changing a lot of it because, that is just what I do and, confession there are veggies in here like; rutabaga and turnips that I; 1) have never cooked with and 2) will likely not have on hand when the time comes. I will most likely add more carrots, add potatoes, and probably some kale to add a bit more “green” flare.


Mom always said don’t play with your food – well, holidays don’t count in my book. Thanks Eye’s Like Food for sharing her beautiful big and cut cucumber display. I will need to make 3 of these because the kids will devour it in 5 seconds flat.


And, what St. Patricks Day Meal Plan would be complete without an after dinner Shamrock Shake Treat, right? This recipe from Dessert Now- Dinner Later sounds like the perfect wrap up to our day. Again we will be using natural food dyes  and sprinkles.

I hope you found our St. Patricks Day  meal plan helpful and I would love to hear from you if you do in fact make any of these recipes. You can share your pics on our Facebook page... also, if you’re wondering why we will using natural dyes – here are 5 Reasons Your Family Should Avoid Artificial Dyes too.

Lastly, before you go – Don’t forget to “pin” this meal plan to Pinterest so you have it when you need it!

St. Patricks DayMeal Plan

Featuring My Little Boo!

I try very hard to “feature” one of the kids once in awhile and I’m sure it is past due for our little Boo!! She is our busy little bee, a lovable kid, with a comedian like personality. She is a tiny little peanut and full of spunk! She has been that way since birth. Undoubtedly that little personality she was born with will surely carry her onto many great things in her future.

 Boo has been busy learning her ABC, counting, shapes, and colors! She has taken a real liking to coloring lately. Amazingly enough my busy little bee sits quite still for “school”. I love watching her learn!

“Wee” have also taken a liking to music. This girl will sing her heart out…it brings tears to my eyes everyday! So sweet and innocent!

For St. Patrick’s day our sensory bin was filled with green and white flower petals, tissue paper, shamrocks, and other small manipulative type toys. Both girls have enjoyed “making cole slaw” with this bin.

 “Wee” have also been playing a lot with our “pom-pom magnets”
To make your own; you will need pom-poms in assorted colors, circle magnets, and hot glue! Voila!!
Simply hot glue the magnet on the bottom of the pom-pom and get ready for hours of enjoyment.
For fun Pom-pom printable sheets go HERE

Place your printable on a metal cookie sheet and let your little one enjoy placing the colored pom pom magnets on the circles. 

 The weather was nice (WAS, being the key word here for a bit!) it has since gone back to the 30’s (brrrr…) during the great “warm up” we played bubbles, chalk, and went on MANY walks! There is nothing like when the weather breaks and getting outside with my kids. I love it!

Boo’s favorite place in is the kitchen. She is destine to be a chef! She loves to cook and eat!! During the winter months Wednesday is her favorite day when Door to Door Organics comes to our home. She ALWAYS helps unload the farm food. During the summer she loves when we pick up our CSA box to see what we got from the farm. This little girl would be one hard worker if we did in fact live on a farm. Sorry Boo, the raspberries behind the garage will have to do for now :)!!!


And lastly, most days you can catch this little wiggle worm dancing to most any beat! She is a country girl at heart…but “turn it up” and “I like it loud” are her two favorite phrases!! God love that girl…you bring a smile to mommy’s face everyday! Yes, even when you are having a fit….you are still darn cute “My Little Boo”!! Mommy Loves You!!

Lovely Yarn

So I took these pictures with the intent to post this on Valentines Day (well, that did not happen)!! However, they did come out super cute, and I thought this would still be fun for upcoming “holidays” (St.Patrick’s Day, Easter, etc.)! They would also make great “little gifts” for family, friends, and teachers.

You Need: 
Cookie Cutters (any shape we did hearts)
Corn Starch
Parchment Paper
A Magnet Strip (or old advertising magnet would work great too!)

First, cut the yarn into pieces and make the cornstarch glue. Using a sauce pan heat 1/4 c. cornstarch and 1/2 c. water over a low/medium heat stir until smooth (see below).

Allow the “glue” to cool to touch. Place parchment paper on a cookie sheet/activity tray. Then place the cookie cutter on top of the parchment paper let your little ones go to town dipping string pieces into the “glue”. Carefully pulling out one string at a time and using your thumb and forefinger to clean off an access “glue”. Lay the yarn inside the cookie cutter. Repeating the process until a thin layer of yarn is in the cookie cutter forming the chosen shape.

Remove the cookie cutter and gently press the shape down. Let dry completely (we put ours in the oven for 1 hr @ 250 degrees). After the drying is compete you can then glue your yarn shape onto a magnet for a fun gift or decoration!!