Easy St. Patricks Day Crafts For Kids With Supply List

Easy St. Patricks DayCrafts For Kids

I have searched around the web and gathered up some of my favorite “St. Patricks Day Crafts For Kids”  to share with all of you.

If you missed my post on not quite feeling like and A+ mom – maybe you should head over there first. Whether you do one or none of these – you are still awesome! The real joy and contentment of motherhood comes from knowing that we alone are enough to our kids – no crafting required!

Still feeling crafty? Here are some of my St.Patricks Day Kids Crafts in no particular order;


Try your hand at a “Hand Print Shamrock” and capture the memories of those sweet tiny hands


Don’t feel like getting that messy? How about just a “Thumb Print”?


I simply love this little gem of a leprechaun from crafty morning …I think my kids are going to have a blast making this guy.


After teaching a mosaic arts class last semester – I have some big plans for these St. Patricks Day Mosaic Shamrocks from Happiness is Homemade… I’m thinking they will make the perfect bunting decor for our homeschool window.

rainbow craft for kids

I did this project many moons ago with our girls but, it is now time to revive an oldie but, goodie. The Fruit-loop Rainbow is always a big hit {we use dye free/ gluten free fruit loops since there is always snacking involved}

Short on time? Here is a rough St. Patricks Day craft supply list just for you –  order now, so you can spend more time crafting and less time running! (affiliate links included)

Freedom Foods Tropicos

Heavy Weight Card Stock

Cotton Balls

Crafting Glue

Green Tempra Paint

Orange Tempra Paint

Wiggly Eyes (we like the peel and stick ones)

Construction Paper

Mosaic Cardstock Squares



Finger Print Tree Painting

We have been busy decorating our house in homemade Fall decor these days…our once empty looking front window, door, and other surrounding areas are taking on a new, improved, and ‘made with love’ feel. K.Bear is waiting patiently to ‘dive’ into the paint for our “Finger Print Tree Painting”…join us as we get a bit messy!

 The girls were in deep thought as they dipped their tiny fingers in the cool paint. The rich red, yellow, and orange colors were almost as beautiful as the real trees outside. We enjoyed our science refresher coarse on why the leaves change color…to ‘feed’ the tree for its upcoming hibernation during the winter months ahead.

I’m always a fan of any project that may involve my kiddos little prints!

And if you should try to do a similar project with your “wee ones” maybe you will get as lucky as me and have a little one whose hand looks like this…

Or maybe one that looks like this…. look closely at the tint of orange on his lips! We don’t bust out the paint very often in our house but when we do it is always a hit and the kids love it. I close my eyes at the mess and we enjoy the messy memories that are being made together….

For your tree printable visit HERE

Grab your kids, some paint, and have fun!

Lion Lesson

 “Wee” have been exploring weather patterns and what better time of year to do that? The month of March!! In like a “lion out like a lamb” boy…I can only hope the next couple days bring some “lamb like weather” it is darn chilly these days!

To go along with our “lion like weather” we made paper plate lions. Boo enjoyed squeezing the glue in her little cup and placing the tissue paper squares carefully around the outer edge of the plate.

While, Pumpkin started from the inner most part of the circle and worked her way to the edge. Pumpkin also was not a fan of using the yellow and the orange together…..she would have much preferred only using one color for the lions mane.

Some google eyes, a triangle shaped nose, a smile, and a “roarrrrr” these little lions were perfect for a quick and easy craft for my little guys!

We also took some time to learn about lions HERE
For a fun coloring page
Don’t forget to write a “letter to the lions” great writing assignment (wink, wink)

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