My Happy Homestead; Goes Country

Homestead, self sufficiency, new start, family, faith, hope, love,

My Happy Homestead; Is Going Country

That’s right, we are moving! We are packing up and heading to the country. 

Some might say us suburban raised “city slickers” have no idea what we are in for. Some might think we have lost our beloved minds. Some might have feelings of sadness, anger, excitement, jealousy, or  just pure joy for our family. Some are still sitting there shocked by such a change -while others have seen it coming for years. 

Here is the thing, although to some it may seem the decision to move was made nearly overnight – it in many ways has been nothing shy of the opposite – it has rather been a life long journey.  

This winding road of foundation building has truly been going on for years and, I am only just now beginning to see some of those very intricate pieces God had layed before us so many years ago. I also venture to say we will never fully know nor understand all of the individual pieces; while, other pieces have been so perfectly set before us one can only believe they were set there just for our awe and wonder. 

Growing up I was always somewhat of a dreamer. (Ha, who am I kidding ? I still am!) I would play for hours creating families of paper dolls, swinging on our swings gazing off into the clouds, or playing with my doll house built by my grandfather. I would dream of houses, families, and simplicity. The things I remember and cherish most about my childhood were “simple things” like 80’s music playing 24/7, visits to grandparents houses, boating, swimming, jumping rope, going to plays, mystery trips, and just being a kid. These are the things childhood memories are made of. 

Childhood memories are made up of faith, intentional parenting, planning, purpose, and being present. 

You’re  probably wondering what my childhood has to do with moving and here it is; 6 months ago Ed and I didn’t have any clue where we wanted to move – nor did we ever imagine we would go from deciding on a location to buying a home in less than 2 months time. Did I happen to mention ‘our plan‘ was to not move for another 3-5 more years? 

Ah yes, and that childhood I remember so vividly – could it really be one of the original pieces of our foundation was built during that very time. The very place I loved to drive with my family – the place with the winding road, the hills, trees, and fresh air- that very place on the way to our annual family mystery trip to see “The Christmas Carol”. Could it be that same road of childhood comfort would one day be the path that led us to our new home? 

faith, hope, love, homesteading, self sufficiency

It is only now, that I am beginning to see each piece- so perfectly layed before us. From childhood gardening memories, skills passed on from grandparents, to childhood friend’s (who just so happened to mary your cousin and will now be your childrens’ new dentist) because of coarse they will be among your new neighbors. 

How does this stuff happen? For real people, I could not make this stuff up! Who moves an hour away only to be brought back to their childhood- 

During our dating years – we would venture north and scour real-estate catalogs looking for property; we would talk about cottages and various locations. We would discuss blueberry picking in the wild, hunting, and spend countless hours searching for the northern lights over the lake. These are the things that brought us together. These are the things by which God has built our foundation – 

God sized dreams that seemed insignificant and at times maybe even a bit unrealistic – 






and, Trust

So although to some our move might be a shock – to others it’s exactly where God has called us to be. 

The road doesn’t always make sense and it certainly doesn’t always seem fare. No one promised this life to be easy because it certainly isn’t going to be so – but being faithful, living intentionally, and being present in the very place you’re called to be at this exact moment is truly priceless.

Be sure to take a seat and stick around as I dust off the shelves of this space, add some new ‘decor’,  and take you down the dirt roads with me!! Sign up here for our “Homestead Happenings” news letter for the newest and most up to date behind the scenes happenings.

Faith, hope, love, Country girl, homesteading, self sufficiency

A day of rest…

Its Sunday! “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” and “find rest”. Since life most days for me is a constant whirl wind of sleepless nights, changing diapers, laundry, cooking for our food intolerant family, cleaning, teaching, and training. I think in some ways I have thought for the past 7 years (since my first born) I was invincible. I can do it! I can do it without rest. I can do it on my own. I can do it! Whatever “it” has been I needed no one; and ‘rest’, what is that? Much to this stubborn mom’s surprise I began to feel exhausted, angry (more), beat down, and disorganized both physically and mentally. I began to ask myself what good is a wife, mother, daughter, or friend that has not filled her own soul? WOW?! Really?!? Did I really stop to think of myself? I’ve been so busy pouring into others I have completely forgotten about “ME”!!

This realization has not been easy to swallow. I still do not like asking for help and chances are if I swallow my pride and ask I must really need it. I have also had to do a lot of soul searching (still in progress). So I ask myself, what are my needs? What do I need in order to be all that God desires me to be?

I do not have all the answers (that is for sure) but what I do know is this. No one can do it alone! No one person can solve all the problems of the world (although I may try). We all need rest! We all need Jesus! We all need to be held accountable for our actions. We need to stick together.  We were not created to “do it alone”! We need community and fellowship.  We need to invest in ourselves in order to better invest in others. SOOOOO….

I have recently adopted some new ‘habits’ some new “ways” as a result of my starting to feel worn out. I get up earlier (yeah, I know rest?!?) this is for my own sanity! I NEED coffee, I NEED a shower before my kids awake, I have joined an online accountability bible study/work out group that I “check in” every morning with, I read something encouraging everyday,  I have been going out once a week or every other week with friends, and I have been ‘planning’ my future. I have also been intentional with those that myself and family choose to spend time with. I’ve been praying more, serving more, and planning more.

So you ask, if you are adding all of these extra’s to your life how is it then that you feel rested? You see it is less of me and more of Him! I am rested because I am choosing to live intentionally. It is so easy to be consumed by the ways of the world. It is so easy to listen to the ‘negative’ voices in our society. It is so easy to find ourselves desiring the things that were never intended for us to begin with. So as I choose to ‘rest’  I may answer my phone less, I may not respond to text messages as promptly, I may not come to ‘x-event’, and I may not always make you happy. 
However, that is OK!! I’m working on a path to ‘righteousness’. A path to see that my husband is loved and cared for. A path that my children feel safe, secure, loved, educated, and trained to go into the world armed with nothing but the best. A path that would make God proud. A path of contentment with that which I am given. Lastly, a path to ‘change’. Through encouragement, commitment, obedience, and love. 
I hope you will join me in making this Sunday a day of rest!

Giving 40!!

Sunday I sent out an email that included the following;

“Lent is upon us! Did you know? Lent is from the Anglo-Saxon word lengten, which means spring. [From Modern Catholic Dictionary by John Hardon, S.J.]”

“During Lent we often think of “giving things up” i.e candy, chocolate, coffee, etc. When in fact; it is a time to reflect on our lives, and take hold of opportunities to live richer, sin free lives. It is “leaving behind an old way of living and acting in order to embrace new life in Christ.”

“That said, I have decided this year (since my children are so young we are going to commit to a minimum of 40 hours of service over the rest of the year. Although, I would love to complete 40 hours of service during lent alone I do not know that our schedule allows for such a commitment (we shall see!)”.

“So yes, we are doing approximately 5 hours of service a month!! In such a self centered world I think it is important to teach my children that the sun does not rise and set for him/her alone!!”

“So, how does this affect you? Along the way we maybe inviting you to serve along way or present opportunities of “Almsgiving” as a sign of our care for those in need and an expression of our gratitude for all that God has given to us.”

First up;

A family that my children and I know (they are in our MOPS group as well as a few homeschool groups we associate with!) is in need!! Their home caught fire Saturday morning. (SIDE NOTE: We do not know this family personally…simply have exchanged smiles, a few words here and there. A sweet family indeed and most deserving as I myself can not imagine losing everything.) Did I mention this family has 10 kids?

“The kids and I will be putting together “little” care packages for each of the 10 children so I would LOVE your help in doing so :)”

SOOO…that was the plan, right?

Well, my home has since been turned into a full fledge donation center..skip the care packages! I quickly came to realize the amount of donations coming in for this family far exceeds anything that I could put in a few boxes. The need was great and God has certainly provided. The family is doing well, I have since been in contact with Mom several times. Donations are all being held at a kind woman’s home who has given up her garage for the time being to store everything. There is talk of a sort of “rummage” sale to raise money for the family. Since the out pouring love, prayers, and generosity far exceeds what they themselves and surely myself expected.

Remember I was thinking care packages?! Here is roughly what has been collect in just “5” days (keep in mind this is ONLY what I have here…there are several others “housing” things)

Toys (legos, play sets, etc.)
Soap (bar and liquid)
Hair stuff (combs, brushes,  pony holders)
Clothes (all sizes)
pantry items (beans, tomatoes, applesauce)
cereal and snacks
gift cards…

And the list continues…the outpouring love (again) for a family which I barely know has been a true testament as to the number of lives we do not know we touch on a daily basis. I can guarantee this family had no idea how many would come forth to “help” them. It is amazing to see the number of people they (a family of 12) have “touched” over the years. So I leave you with this….

Although, we may only exchange a smile, a quick “hello”, or no “exchange” of communication at all with someone….that “someone” may just be the person/s who will help you along the way when you need it the most.

The saying “think before you act!” There is something to be said about “nice” people. And this local family truly “ranks among some of the nicest” clearly by the shear amount of support seen in a just a few short days!