Giving 40!!

Sunday I sent out an email that included the following;

“Lent is upon us! Did you know? Lent is from the Anglo-Saxon word lengten, which means spring. [From Modern Catholic Dictionary by John Hardon, S.J.]”

“During Lent we often think of “giving things up” i.e candy, chocolate, coffee, etc. When in fact; it is a time to reflect on our lives, and take hold of opportunities to live richer, sin free lives. It is “leaving behind an old way of living and acting in order to embrace new life in Christ.”

“That said, I have decided this year (since my children are so young we are going to commit to a minimum of 40 hours of service over the rest of the year. Although, I would love to complete 40 hours of service during lent alone I do not know that our schedule allows for such a commitment (we shall see!)”.

“So yes, we are doing approximately 5 hours of service a month!! In such a self centered world I think it is important to teach my children that the sun does not rise and set for him/her alone!!”

“So, how does this affect you? Along the way we maybe inviting you to serve along way or present opportunities of “Almsgiving” as a sign of our care for those in need and an expression of our gratitude for all that God has given to us.”

First up;

A family that my children and I know (they are in our MOPS group as well as a few homeschool groups we associate with!) is in need!! Their home caught fire Saturday morning. (SIDE NOTE: We do not know this family personally…simply have exchanged smiles, a few words here and there. A sweet family indeed and most deserving as I myself can not imagine losing everything.) Did I mention this family has 10 kids?

“The kids and I will be putting together “little” care packages for each of the 10 children so I would LOVE your help in doing so :)”

SOOO…that was the plan, right?

Well, my home has since been turned into a full fledge donation center..skip the care packages! I quickly came to realize the amount of donations coming in for this family far exceeds anything that I could put in a few boxes. The need was great and God has certainly provided. The family is doing well, I have since been in contact with Mom several times. Donations are all being held at a kind woman’s home who has given up her garage for the time being to store everything. There is talk of a sort of “rummage” sale to raise money for the family. Since the out pouring love, prayers, and generosity far exceeds what they themselves and surely myself expected.

Remember I was thinking care packages?! Here is roughly what has been collect in just “5” days (keep in mind this is ONLY what I have here…there are several others “housing” things)

Toys (legos, play sets, etc.)
Soap (bar and liquid)
Hair stuff (combs, brushes,  pony holders)
Clothes (all sizes)
pantry items (beans, tomatoes, applesauce)
cereal and snacks
gift cards…

And the list continues…the outpouring love (again) for a family which I barely know has been a true testament as to the number of lives we do not know we touch on a daily basis. I can guarantee this family had no idea how many would come forth to “help” them. It is amazing to see the number of people they (a family of 12) have “touched” over the years. So I leave you with this….

Although, we may only exchange a smile, a quick “hello”, or no “exchange” of communication at all with someone….that “someone” may just be the person/s who will help you along the way when you need it the most.

The saying “think before you act!” There is something to be said about “nice” people. And this local family truly “ranks among some of the nicest” clearly by the shear amount of support seen in a just a few short days!

Good bye 20’s

Well, it is official…
I am in the 30 club!! Happy Birthday to me 🙂 I had a great day spent with my family, shopping with my mom, it poured rain, my lovely husband had beautiful flowers sent to the house, and we kicked off lent eating some fish fry from a local church in the area!! Thanks to all my wonderful family and friends for making my day

so special!!

My First 30 Years!!
They looked something like this…
Learn to walk, talk, run, play, enjoy life just being a kid….
School, school, and more school….
Dance, Cheerleading, a bit of this a bit of that…
Youth group, mission trip, choir
All the while making wonderful friends to share it with!
The ups, the downs…and everything in between..
Work, play, work, play…
Get married to my lovely husband
have 3 beautiful little blessings…
Working harder than ever before…..
Playing more than ever…
Praying tons..
and just taking a hold of all that life has to offer!!
I’m not sure what the next 30 years will look like for me…
but I am looking forward to sharing it with 
all those around me!!
My life is blessed not by what I have done…
nor by what I have accomplished…
but by those who have blessed me along the way!!


We all have them “Friends” I sat in my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group yesterday learning about “How to Make a Marriage Last”! It was a great talk from one of my favorite guest speakers. If you are not familiar with MOPS I can’t say enough great things about it check to see if there is a group near you!! I have loved all of my MOPS mornings (2x’s a mo for 3 years now!!)

Now, that being said our guest speaker brought up how our husbands minds are wired differently from ours. We all know men and women really do think differently and come on ladies lets face it your man does not like to talk nearly as much as you do! That’s why we have friends. I got to thinking about all of my friends near, far, old, new, and those I long to meet in the future. Our life is full of different “seasons”! “Seasons” of change! Relationships change as God leads us on our journey of life. There are the childhood friends (you just couldn’t live without), college/party friends, the parenting friends, and now thanks to the internet online friends.

In all my many “seasons” of life thus far the one friendship that has remained virtually the same is that of my younger sister. We are each others rock through thick and thin. We have survived childhood, the unpredictable years of adolescence, high school, crazy college years, marriage, and we are now in the “season” of childbearing/early childhood years. As we anxiously await the new arrival of my newest niece or nephew to our family. I tell you this not to share a great story of how wonderful my sister is; and how blessed I am to have her in my life, but to encourage you as mothers of young children to foster those sibling relationship with your little ones. Encourage your little ones to have lasting, loving relationships with their sister and/or brother. It was the best gift my parents could have ever given us!!

Now, that I am in the “season” of raising children I pray for Gods strength to help me guide my little ones through their friendship journey together. I have thought many times as I watch my sweet little girls interacting together; the loud giggles, playing together, hair pulling, and lots of hugs, this is a process of their childhood. At times when squabbles may occur ask for strength and when all is quiet sit back rest assured that when you have passed on your children will have a “rock” an everlasting “friendship” to cling onto!