Homesteading, Homeschooling, and Where Have We Been?

Wow- where have we been? In short, we have been busy homesteading, homeschooling, and  making the best of what each day has to offer. It’s been quite sometime since I have last been in this space. In some ways it almost feels a bit foreign while in others, it feels a bit refreshing.

It would be nearly impossible to bring you all up to speed with everything that has gone on here at my happy homestead this last year+. So, I am choosing to move forward and not look back – taking you all along for the ride with us! We have lots of fun things up our sleeve after taking a good long sabbatical.

Who’s ready for some good old fashion homesteading, homeschooling, home cooking, and homemaking? I know I am and, I hope you are too!

Here’s just some of what you can look forward to in the weeks and months ahead –


Coming soon myhappyhomesteadshop on Etsy for the latest “My Happy Homestead” handcrafted and homemade goods. Looking for unique gifts ideas, handmade goods, and scrumptious treats?

Looking for a bit of rustic farmhouse decor, custom homemade gifts, and homestead supplies then be sure to check out “My Happy Homestead Market“. Come shop with us and thanks for supporting our little homestead!


Looking for a bit homeschool encouragement, craft ideas, book lists, game recommendations, and curriculum reviews? Then you have come to the right place! #myhappyhomeschool isn’t always pretty but, we are in this together.

Check out some of our latest family fun adventures on YouTube! Remember to “subscribe” so you never miss a thing.

Home Cooking

I’m always cooking up something new in the homestead kitchen and, have a plethora of new recipes to share. From delicious refreshing smoothie recipes to gluten free, allergy friendly treats – there will certainly be something for everyone in the months ahead.

Health has been a life long passion of mine and helping others achieve their optimal health goals lies at the root of all I do, believe in, and work for.

Need a bit of hand holding, extra help with meal planning, and nutritional guidance? Fill out the contact form below to schedule your free initial healthy living consultation today  – I can’t wait to help you achieve healthy living success, save time, and money one meal at a time.

Home Making

Home is a place of refuge, grace, love, and productivity.

My Happy Homestead is full of good, bad, and ugly. It’s not a place where I need to prove to you that I am some great home maker. I make mistakes, yell at my kids (I know, right? The nerve.), and struggle to find the beauty in each day. I am a sinner living in a fallen world and, hope you will join me on the journey towards home.

“The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own HOME!” ~ Harold B. Lee

Homestead Kids Learn How to Make and Can Strawberry Raspberry Spiced Jam

Homestead Kids Learn How to Make Strawberry Raspberry Spiced Jam

Join us as our homestead kids learn how to make jam.

I didn’t grow up canning it was a craft that both inspired and scared me to pieces. In fact, the entire process was somewhat of a mystery to me. If we go to the store and buy jam off the shelf it’s sealed – bam, done! No thought… no appreciation for the entire process.

The combination of being intrigued by the process, my love for learning, and my ever growing desire to be more self reliant  – I knew the time had come; I had to learn how to can. If we were growing our own food it only made sense that I would naturally want to preserve it for the weeks, months, and year to come.

However, more importantly than that I knew it was a skill I wanted to pass onto our children. As it is not only my desire to teach them ‘how to’ can but, to give them the tools to not only survive but, thrive.

May they never take for granted the simple process of buying food from the grocery store but, always have a natural curiosity and appreciation for how it all works.

Are you new to canning?

Join My Happy Homestead now on YouTube as we dive into a new Vlogging  adventure!  Don’t forget to ‘subscribe’ for more!!

Homestead Kids; Learn How to Make and Can Jam


Hungry for more? Subscribe to our NEW My Happy Homestead YouTube Channel and sign up for The Homestead Daily to never miss a thing…

Oh Yeah, and PIN THIS for Later! —–>

How to Make and Can Spiced Strawberry Jam

Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan

Mothers Day BrunchMeal Plan

Sharing my Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan

As a mom to four kids I know first hand how crazy the days can be. Motherhood although a beautiful gift is certainly no walk in the park. It can be hard and draining – lets keep it real. We work tirelessly to meet the needs of our children in hopes of one day seeing the fruit of our labor. We try to remain faithful to our calling even on those day’s we wish we could resign from our position.

Then, there are those day’s we are smothered in hugs, kisses, and cuddles – making all the hard days more than worth it.

Now, since we are being honest – Mothers Day although great ‘in theory’ is truly just another day. Not to crush all those who delight in Hallmark holidays {I said I was keeping it real} – its just another day! Another day waiting to be explored  – everyday is a gift in my book. I don’t need a ‘special’ day to recognize my efforts – everyday is filled with little gifts; but, it is up to us to find them.

So, all that said – Moms I think you are great! Moms, we are raising the future leaders and world changers of tomorrow – you have one of the hardest job on the planet and you are so loved by all who come into your path.

And, to the tired mom, I hope you find rest in your day of ‘crazy’ and are showered with hugs, kisses, and love – may you be filled with the kind of ‘peace’ that fills your heart to the brim and doesn’t require special recognition because you know your special each and everyday!!

And, because I know I am special…I will likely be cooking up this meal plan myself and, that is o.k.{I’ll just make them clean up the mess…hahaha}

Happy Mothers Day to all those Rock-Star- Momma’s out there…enjoy your day and eat good food!

Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan

Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan

Easy Cheesy Egg Casserole by Gimme Some Oven is very similar to a recipe that I make for Christmas morning at the homestead. The only difference is I use the shredded hash browns and layer it like a lasagna. It’s basically eggs, cheese, sausage, pepper, onions, and hash browns all mixed together and then baked. It is a great make ahead meal everyone will enjoy.

This Ham and Herb Quiche by Chocolate Moosey jumped out at me while I was looking for the perfect Mothers Day brunch meal plan fixins- I will be using one of our homestead pre-made gluten free pie crusts but, if you’re short on time store bought works just the same!

Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan - When Moms Happy Everyone is Happy

Mix Eggs, ham, herbs {rosemary, thyme, and parsley}, onions, milk, heavy cream, salt and pepper poured in a pie shell – I think we can do this, right moms? {Chocolate Moosey’s recipe only calls for 2 eggs for a serving size of 8-10 that doesn’t quite seem right? 2 eggs will likely not be enough to feed my family of 6 so I will likely be adding 4-6 eggs to ours.}

I love orange poppy seed dressing ! So, this Orange Poppy Seed Fruit Salad by Natashas Kitchen totally sold me!

What's on the Menu? Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan - Orange Poppy Seed Fruit Salad

Photo Credit; Nathasha’s Kitchen

No brunch is complete without some kind of quick bread, donut, or muffin – right?

Quick and Easy Gluten Free Banana Bread

And, because we don’t normally drink juice or anything other than water around here – I think our kids will get a total kick out of having a ‘fun drink’ with their Mothers Day Brunch {after all it is because of them I am a mom- so why not make it special for them too}.

This Cranberry Brunch Punch by Gather for Bread will surely win my little crew over.

Cranberry-Brunch-Punch - Mothers Day Brunch Meal Plan Idea

Photo Credit; Gather for Bread

Cheers – to a Happy Mothers Day and Having a Meal Plan!

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