Spring Cleaning Your Homeschool Curriculum and 5 Tips For New Homeschoolers From a Mom of Four

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Ok. confession, I love homeschool curriculum. I love reading reviews and the smell of new homeschool books. I love reading about the various homeschool theories and seeing all that is out there. All that said, it can be very overwhelming at times. We are sucked in to the pretty pictures, newest homeschooling fads, and wanting to ‘feel’ like we are covering everything we ‘need’ to.

It is hard to believe this is our 7th year homeschooling {we started when Music-Bee was 2.5/3} I shared some reflections of journey HERE on Periscope. I also shared why we are spring cleaning our curriculum and what we will be doing on Fridays for the remainder of the school year.

As the weather and seasons begin to change we all get a little restless so it’s time to shake things up a bit…check out ‘My Happy Homeschool Fun Fridays’ on Instagram to see what we are up to.

5 {well, 6} Tips for New Homeschoolers From a Mom of Four

  1. Resist the urge my friends – do no buy a bunch of curriculum especially if your kids are little. The books are pretty and ah, that smell….resist it! There are far better ways…
  2. Do not stress if our 3, 4, or even 5 year old is not ‘doing’ school {unless required of coarse check your state laws HERE}
  3. DO NOT make your kids ‘do’ school all day or feel like you need to fill their days with constant entertainment.
  4. DO NOT feel guilty about saying no to the local homeschool co-op, library time, or playdate. Your kids will be social – they will have countless opportunities to ‘be’ socialized – if anything they will be ‘too’ social at times.
  5. DO enjoy spending time with your children – get outside as much as possible, read good books, go to the park, the zoo, the hands on museum, the beach, play games, and don’t feel bad for exposing them to ‘real’ life and hands on learning. Learning is an atmosphere – and, ‘the mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days’*. The road isn’t easy, but you are planting seeds for a love a learning…
  6. Implement a quiet time in your days and don’t feel bad if you have to close your eyes for a few to tune out the noise. We all need a break sometimes and don’t beat yourself up. As homeschool parents there is no ‘lunch room break’, ‘prep hour’, or ‘specials’ – you are it! You are on duty 24/7 – you are the lunch mom, the nurse, the principle, the art teacher, the reading aid, etc. take that break! And, don’t think twice about it!

This is a time in our home where hands  on learning and living books become one; Here are some of our favorite ‘living books’ {If you are not familiar with these they are classics not text books. They are literature based to help inspire, spark curiosity, and encourage a continuous love of learning} Click the picture affiliate links included for your convenience -if you order I will get a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you – it helps keeps this little blog running so, thank you!

Spring Cleaning Your Curriculum And 5 Tips for New Homeschoolers from a Mom of Four

*Charlotte Mason Quote

Some of our favorite Homeschool Spring Cleaning resources;

Easy St. Patricks Day Crafts For Kids With Supply List

Easy St. Patricks DayCrafts For Kids

I have searched around the web and gathered up some of my favorite “St. Patricks Day Crafts For Kids”  to share with all of you.

If you missed my post on not quite feeling like and A+ mom – maybe you should head over there first. Whether you do one or none of these – you are still awesome! The real joy and contentment of motherhood comes from knowing that we alone are enough to our kids – no crafting required!

Still feeling crafty? Here are some of my St.Patricks Day Kids Crafts in no particular order;


Try your hand at a “Hand Print Shamrock” and capture the memories of those sweet tiny hands


Don’t feel like getting that messy? How about just a “Thumb Print”?


I simply love this little gem of a leprechaun from crafty morning …I think my kids are going to have a blast making this guy.


After teaching a mosaic arts class last semester – I have some big plans for these St. Patricks Day Mosaic Shamrocks from Happiness is Homemade… I’m thinking they will make the perfect bunting decor for our homeschool window.

rainbow craft for kids

I did this project many moons ago with our girls but, it is now time to revive an oldie but, goodie. The Fruit-loop Rainbow is always a big hit {we use dye free/ gluten free fruit loops since there is always snacking involved}

Short on time? Here is a rough St. Patricks Day craft supply list just for you –  order now, so you can spend more time crafting and less time running! (affiliate links included)

Freedom Foods Tropicos

Heavy Weight Card Stock

Cotton Balls

Crafting Glue

Green Tempra Paint

Orange Tempra Paint

Wiggly Eyes (we like the peel and stick ones)

Construction Paper

Mosaic Cardstock Squares



2 Become 1

Nope not a wedding, I’m talking about my blogs!! I have officially decided that I will be combining my two blogs (this one and my homeschool blog). Mostly for my own sanity these days!

Long before we actually began homeschooling Pumpkin ( and now Boo too!) I read countless books, blogs, etc. saying “homeschooling is a lifestyle”. Well, my thoughts were “yeah, whatever!” Now, one full “official” year under our belt and another soon to follow; I am here to tell you….yes, it is a lifestyle.  My days revolve around school and “our school” revolves around “our life”. I love being a mother and I love homeschooling our children!! It no longer makes sense to keep the “two” separate.

I am excited to “blend” the two and Im sure you will be “entertained” along the way. I will periodically be posting blog entries from “Wee Explorers” to trickle in the transition….the “construction” I promise will be full of laughs, crafts, lesson plans, and sooo much more from my “3” little monkeys!!

And for those who might “not quite” be on board with homeschooling….we are all entitled to our opinions…all I ask is kind words, well wishes, and blessings along the way. Just as we do to you we appreciate the same in return. It makes the world a better place!!