St.Patrick’s Day Crafts for Kids

If your feeling especially crafty this week here are some fun crafts to keep you and the kids busy during these remaining unpredictable days of winter. My personal favorite was the hand print rainbow. I have them all hanging on our front door and those precious little hands at the end of a long day just make me smile. 

If the project involves paint it is pretty much guaranteed to be a home run in our house. I promise our lent crafts will not include so much mess. Just remember they are only little once and use washable paint.

This project has been a long standing favorite of my kids.

Supplies List;
Green Paint
A Pepper with the top cut off length wise and de-seeded.
Large (I recommend heavier stock) paper
A bowl

Simply squirt a desired amount of paint in the bowl. Give each child a pepper and paper and go to town. Even my 18mo old got in on all the action this year. He got a bit messy but it was all worth the smiles and giggles.

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