Seriously ya’ll, reading aloud has revived our homeschool days!
Lets face it, and be real not all homeschool day’s go as ‘planned’. There are tantrums, sick kids, dentist appointments, and a million other possible disruptions in a homeschool day.
Gone are the day’s of guilt, frustration, and ‘traditional’ school temptations – when in doubt put on an audiobook, push the ‘restart button’, and rest assured they are learning.
Here are the books we have read or will be reading this 2015/2016 school year. We love to read and wanted to share some of our favorites from Our Morning Book Basket (affiliate links are included in this post)
While we are keeping it real….I have no idea why these books will not line up….but, it is what it is!! They are still great books – laying the pavement for well read kids.
Short on time and prefer audiobooks?
Have you tried Audible – here is your chance to download two books for free!
Going on a road trip? We love audiobooks for our long drive back to the city and, we are sure you will love Audible too! {affil link}