There is something about homesteading and homemade bread that just seem to go hand-in-hand. Making homemade bread has been a ‘longtime dreamy’ goal of mine {think Little House on the Prairie dreamy}. However, when our family went gluten-free that once dreamy homemade bread making mom vision I had kind of went out the window with our new living circumstances.
Well, my friends – I did it! I finally found a homemade gluten free bread recipe that not only tastes great, it’s quick, easy, inexpensive, approved by mom, and our four little monkeys. I have tested the recipe several times to assure its success and, without fail it has worked. Now, that said humidity can definitely fool with the consistency of the dough but, in the end the result was the same – homemade gluten free bread goodness.
I have made it with a pre-made gluten free flour mixture {like Bob’s Redmill} and my own flour mixture blend {equal parts sorghum, tapioca, and brown rice flour*} While, I do prefer my own flour mixture over the store bought the result was basically the same. I personally find the pre-blended mixtures always a little bit more unpredictable as most of them contain xanthum gum.
Easy Homemade Gluten Free Bread Recipe
We have been using this recipe for several weeks now with amazing results and I am sure you will find the same. It makes a great sandwich, toasts nicely, and stores amazingly well. The crust can be a bit hard at times but, the inside is moist and not dry like most store bought gluten free breads.
Let me know in the comments below if you make My Happy Homestead gluten free bread and tell us how your family liked it.
Also, if you haven’t already heard I recently launched my new business site Platform Mom – for the Mom, Dad, Grandparent struggling to manage it all: balancing work, life, and family. I would love if you hopped on over to Platform Mom and said “HI”!
Oh yeah, and don’t forget to grab the first chapter of my new Ebook “Hope for the Weary Mom – 3 Keys to Your Ultimate Work, Life, and Family Balance”
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