Hi, and Welcome to our Happy Homestead. I’m Jenny (momma-bee) my husband (daddy-bee), and our four little bee’s invite you to join us as we seek the good life; through intentional living, practical parenting, leaving a legacy, and pursuing work that matters.
Join us on this crazy journey we call ‘life’, as we transition from our city roots to country boots, turned small town business owners. We hope to inspire, empower, and encourage you to make your tomorrow dreams today’s reality; find your passion, seek your purpose, live simply, and make a difference.
Meet the Family-Daddy-Bee is a hard working, creative, and logical young man. He is a bit OSeaD (wink) and truly can do anything he puts his mind to. He enjoys hunting, fishing, boating, all things related to nature, and most of all spending time with his family.
Mama-Bee is the homemaker of the family. She is more the dreamer, entrepreneur, kindred spirit of the family. She spends her days running her business, teaching english as a second language, homeschooling the little bees, cooking up real food, and serving as the heart of the homestead. She enjoys reading, gardening, writing, hot tea/coffee, crafting, and knitting in her spare time.
Music-Bee is in the ninth grade. Her warm smile, gentle disposition, love of music, and passion for animals make her a true gem loved by all that meet her.
Crafty-Bee is in sixth grade; she is surely sugar and spice, and everything nice. Her eyes say it all! Always crafting up something special for someone be it in the kitchen or on paper she wears her heart on her sleeve. A bit shy at times but nothing short of a spectacular young little lady.
Nature-Bee is in second/third grade. Can you say all boy? If it involves outdoors he is there! He is the hardest working 9yr old I know. With dreams of cutting grass, hunting, fishing, and living in Alaska. I have no doubt this boy is going to move mountains.
Speedy- Bee
Speedy-Bee, “our baby”. A funny, happy, smart, and strong-willed little man. He has no problem keeping up with all the “big kids”. He warms his momma’s heart with his snuggles and can frequently be found hamming it for a crowd. Quite a well rounded little fellow.
Food is often the heart of the homestead and our home is no different …be sure to try some of our family favorite recipes and come back here to tell us what you think
Many of them are gluten free, a few dairy free, and some are just plain my happy homestead cooking.
We are passionate about helping you live your best life. Learn how to live intentionally, be healthy, and find happiness in your days!
Join us as we share the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that come with creating your happy homestead.
Experience more joy and less stress in your days – lets BEE-Happy!