Homestead Kids Learn How to Make and Can Strawberry Raspberry Spiced Jam

Homestead Kids Learn How to Make Strawberry Raspberry Spiced Jam

Join us as our homestead kids learn how to make jam.

I didn’t grow up canning it was a craft that both inspired and scared me to pieces. In fact, the entire process was somewhat of a mystery to me. If we go to the store and buy jam off the shelf it’s sealed – bam, done! No thought… no appreciation for the entire process.

The combination of being intrigued by the process, my love for learning, and my ever growing desire to be more self reliant  – I knew the time had come; I had to learn how to can. If we were growing our own food it only made sense that I would naturally want to preserve it for the weeks, months, and year to come.

However, more importantly than that I knew it was a skill I wanted to pass onto our children. As it is not only my desire to teach them ‘how to’ can but, to give them the tools to not only survive but, thrive.

May they never take for granted the simple process of buying food from the grocery store but, always have a natural curiosity and appreciation for how it all works.

Are you new to canning?

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Homestead Kids; Learn How to Make and Can Jam


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How to Make and Can Spiced Strawberry Jam

Quick and Easy Gluten Free Banana Bread Recipe

Quick and Easy Gluten Free Banana Bread

Stress no more.. here is a Quick and Easy Gluten Free Banana Bread Recipe that will have your family asking for more.

Whether you are new to the gluten free world or been around for awhile like myself {5 years and counting for our family} – you likely have discovered one thing along the way; ‘things just don’t taste the same.’

Gluten free breads can often times be dry {to the point of choking..}, spongy, or so incredibly heavy you could surely use them to anchor a boat.


Quick and Easy Gluten FreeBanana Bread Recipe

Quick and Easy Gluten Free Banana Bread

This recipe is actually so easy I recently made it with our two youngest sons for our weekly wednesday ‘kids in the kitchen’ time. We are always looking for hands on learning opportunities  and what better place to do that than in the kitchen?

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Homemade Elderberry Syrup a Natural Remedy for Those Pesky Cold and Flu Viruses


It’s about that time of year; you know that time when the weather changes and everyone gets  sick. With four kids I dread it! If you ever wanted to know how to lose a month of your life – have four kids that get sick. It is the quickest, sure fire way to lose days on end.

Now that said, I am a total crunchy momma {as most of you know} and I try my hardest to build up our immune systems here to prevent such scenarios from occurring. Every year I seem to add something ‘new‘ to my bag of tricks and this year it is ‘Homemade Elderberry Syrup’! In the past I only used the ‘magic syrup’ to help calm coughs and congestion in my littles – but, that was only until I learned about all the immune boosting properties that these tiny berries had.

Homemade ElderberrySyrup

Elderberries are…

High in Vitamin C {have more vitamin C that oranges in fact}

Very High in Quercitin {an antioxidant}

Are a Natural Anit-Inflamatory {calms those inflamed lungs during coughing spasms something wonderful}

They are antiviral in nature preventing those pesky colds/flu bugs from occurring

So with out further a due – Here is the Recipe I use;

1/2tsp-1tsp for kids, 1/2Tbsp. – 1 Tbsp. Adults (once daily)
If flu or cold are present use dosage above every 2-3 hours*

*The information and reference guides in this website are intended solely for the general information for the reader. The contents of this web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care provider for any advice on medications.