My Little Man “8” Months Old

I have not done an update on my little man “Mr. Smiles” in sometime and as I have said before this blog and our school blog…both serve as my “memory” at times. He is 8 months already!! I can not believe it!! Seems like only yesterday, I was cuddling on the couch with my blue eyed baby (yep, they are still blue!) and NOW…we are off!!

He is crawling EVERYWHERE…he is speedy quick, and has no problem keeping up with big sisters. He even stood up for the first time Tuesday, February, 15th. The best part was we all got to see it…he has not done it since, but it is coming! He will by far be my earliest walker. Pumpkin did not walk until she was 19 months old…Im hoping Mr. Smiles makes it to 9 mo (Mommy is not ready)!!

 He is has two bottom teeth and is working on more!

 He is ALL boy…he loves balls, trains, cars, and anything that has wheels, rolls, and is loud!! He growls like a lion, makes fish lips, has great fine motor skills, and loves to dance. This boy is a blast..I just want to bottle him up! We think the little man has some food allergies but other than that he is easy peasy!!

Big Hugs and Kisses!! From Mr. Smiles 🙂

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