USA Adventure – Alaska

Our USA Adventure started a couple weeks ago…first stop was ALASKA!! We have been having a blast…it was never my intent to start such a huge geography lesson in the middle of the year. However, the timing just ‘seemed’ right and we set sail with our passports in hand!!

Pumpkin is enjoying her “review” using the Members Only 1+1+1+1

We made these fun Igloos out of sugar cubes and egg white glue! 



We made a real Igloo but ours was for tiny outdoor animals. Pumpkin made multiple “doors” so all of our outdoor friends could have neighbors, and be friends. Every morning she would check to see if any small creatures had a sleep over.

The girls really enjoyed all of our activities using marshmallows!! (Be sure to check my links at the end of the post). We played a fun game of “Build the Igloo”, we built structures with toothpicks, we counted them, stacked them, and enjoyed a cup or two of hot chocolate.

Boo colored her map of Alaksa

We made tissue paper polar bears with our homeschool co-op. Each child was given an outlined drawing of a polar bear and then had to fill it in with white tissue paper “fur”. It was a lot of fun to see the variations of this. Some kids slapped down the paper flat while others rolled each piece into precise little “fur” balls.

We also did several experiments; (none of which I have pictures of..sorry)
We explored Ice Melting (in our hands, in salt water, sitting in a bowl, etc. to determine which environment ice melts the quickest)
We also experimented with the “blubber” of Arctic animals similar to what they did HERE

We have been working on More Than, Less Than, and Addition in our math curriculum so the printables from Musings of Me were a perfect review for Pumpkin!!

 We have also been working on our 50 States Song!

My children love dogs so we also spent a lot of time learning about Mushing/Iditarod. Pumpkin really enjoyed being a Musher herself and learning about “working dogs”.

We discussed the Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis and will be making our own Aurora today!! We simply ran out of time….

As we continue on our USA Adventure we will be traveling with friends so be sure to visit them as well…
Montessori Tidbits and Musings of Me  are both ahead of us on the journey, but have MANY, MANY great ideas. They will likely remain ahead of us because states that really catch our attention we will likely be spending a bit more time on…while others we will go through more quickly. Not to mention with two other little guys in the house….sometimes “life” just takes a “little bit” longer!!


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