Backyard Gardening; Lessons Learned In Nature a Step Back in Time

%22Natural Inspires Creativity ...In Nature a Child Finds Freedom, Fantasy, Privacy...%22

The girls have been learning about gardening, organic farming, and nutrition! All from our little ‘back yard berry farm’. There is nothing quite like picking your own strawberries or raspberries and eating them the next morning for breakfast. I love seeing how excited the girls get to share their back yard gardens with friends. One of the greatest joys in teaching our children is ‘watching’ them teach others!

We are also enjoying our weekends away on the boat. Rain or shine……
All 3 children took part in this years ‘Island Beautification’ clean up. There were 20-30 mph winds but we were there and even my tiny tot put in a good effort.

Pumpkin got to ride the tractor with Daddy ….I love that my little girl still talks about “Mommy, when we move to our farm …”. A long time dream of mine (that I obviously instilled in our children)…..a dream that will likely stay that way for at least awhile.

{Making the dreams for Tomorrow Today’s Reality….see, you never know what life has in store for you. Do you have a dream? Where do you want to be? Never say never, little did I know back in 2012 we would move to our 10 acre homestead just three short years later.}

Looks like our little backyard “farm” will have to do…life is after all what you make of it! In the mean time we will always jump on board with any “farm” type opportunities in our house.


We are also taking advantage of any/all outside ‘nature science’ opportunities. Visits to the park have allowed us to capture God’s creations  big and small in action; toads, ducks, duck eggs, pesky bugs, fish flies, pollinating bees, rabbits, and we have had some great science lessons on birds as well (thanks, Daddy for hanging all of our bird feeders)!

Random Tot School/Preschool

Amazing, December is here….and the Christmas hustle and bustle is well under way in our home! It is funny how once the craziness began I stopped blogging (again). I admire the people that blog daily because I surely don’t know how they do it! Someday?! The blogging may have halted for a bit but the fun and pictures surely have not. Mr. Smiles is blowing me away with his skills and abilities (3rd baby?) he plays pretend with his sisters, paints, colors, FINALLY sleeps through the night (18 months), enjoys play doh, and loves doing school with his Momma!

 K.Bear is learning to write/trace, her ABC’s, #’s, size, shapes, and colors. Her interest in workbooks and handwriting is quite impressive for a 3 year old (especially one whom can’t usually sit still for more than 5 seconds). It is a joy to work with her and watch her grow each day by leaps and bounds.


We are still working on eliminating the “paci” but I know the time will come. The truth is, I think it bothers others more than it bugs us 🙂 yes, she’s “3” but she was nearly potty trained at “1” stubborn = “ABSOLUTELY!” All will be done on her own time….I/we are still leaning that is just the way she rolls!! In the mean time practicing daily “patience” in dealing with the “struggles” of having such a very extreme (spirited) child can be draining. I rest assured knowing it is her way or the highway and no one will ever sway her mind differently. 

K.Bear’s other new love is “ABA” patterns!! (take note of the paci…haha)


Wee Love Reading!!

“Wee” love reading and thought we would share a few of our favorites with all of you!!
Itty Bitty – Preschool
  • Bemelmans, Ludwig. Madeleine. (Boo’s favorite…she knows the movie by heart!)
  • Berenstain, Stan and Jan. The Berenstain Bears. (Mommy’s Favorite)
  • Bridwell, Norman. Clifford, the Big Red Dog.
  • Brown, Margaret W. Goodnight, Moon.
  • Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar 
  • Piper, Watty. The Little Engine That Could.
  • Rey, H.A. Curious George. (George is like family here!)
  • Seuss, Dr. The Cat in the Hat. 
Kindergarten +
  • Allard, Harry. Miss Nelson Is Missing!
  • Berenstain, Stan and Jan. The Berenstain Bears Nursery Tales. (Mommy’s Favorite)
  • Blume, Judy. Freckle Juice.
  • Bridwell, Norman. Clifford, the Big Red Dog.
  • Cleary, Beverly. Ramona Quimby, Age Eight ( We love the movie too!)
  • Parish, Peggy. Amelia Bedelia.
  • O’Connor, Jane. Fancy Nancy (ALL of Them!)
  • Rey, H.A. Curious George.
  • Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are.
  • Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends.
  • Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
  • Warner, Gertrude. Boxcar Children.
  • White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web.
  • Wilder, Laura I. Little House on the Prairie. (Can’t go wrong!)
  • William, Margery. The Velveteen Rabbit. 
    Family Favorites/Links/Activities
    “Wee” will be ordering our Spring Caterpillars in April!! And “Wee” love reading the; 

    by Sheridan Cain
    When we do!! Here are some fun activities we enjoyed last year
    This year “Wee” will also be adding a “Lady Bug House” to our Spring festivities!
    “Wee” will be reading 

    by Eric Carle
     (Stay tune for this years activities…I was in a Spring kind of mood this morning! Yes, with 3 inches of snow still remaining on the ground…I’m trying to be optimistic!!)

    This is just a “sampler” of our favorites we have many, many more and I am hoping to post regularly “what we are reading” and share other “fun activities”! Be sure to leave me a comment; I would love to see what you have been reading with your families too!