Wee Love Reading!!

“Wee” love reading and thought we would share a few of our favorites with all of you!!
Itty Bitty – Preschool
  • Bemelmans, Ludwig. Madeleine. (Boo’s favorite…she knows the movie by heart!)
  • Berenstain, Stan and Jan. The Berenstain Bears. (Mommy’s Favorite)
  • Bridwell, Norman. Clifford, the Big Red Dog.
  • Brown, Margaret W. Goodnight, Moon.
  • Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar 
  • Piper, Watty. The Little Engine That Could.
  • Rey, H.A. Curious George. (George is like family here!)
  • Seuss, Dr. The Cat in the Hat. 
Kindergarten +
  • Allard, Harry. Miss Nelson Is Missing!
  • Berenstain, Stan and Jan. The Berenstain Bears Nursery Tales. (Mommy’s Favorite)
  • Blume, Judy. Freckle Juice.
  • Bridwell, Norman. Clifford, the Big Red Dog.
  • Cleary, Beverly. Ramona Quimby, Age Eight ( We love the movie too!)
  • Parish, Peggy. Amelia Bedelia.
  • O’Connor, Jane. Fancy Nancy (ALL of Them!)
  • Rey, H.A. Curious George.
  • Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are.
  • Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends.
  • Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
  • Warner, Gertrude. Boxcar Children.
  • White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web.
  • Wilder, Laura I. Little House on the Prairie. (Can’t go wrong!)
  • William, Margery. The Velveteen Rabbit. 
    Family Favorites/Links/Activities
    “Wee” will be ordering our Spring Caterpillars in April!! And “Wee” love reading the; 

    by Sheridan Cain
    When we do!! Here are some fun activities we enjoyed last year
    This year “Wee” will also be adding a “Lady Bug House” to our Spring festivities!
    “Wee” will be reading 

    by Eric Carle
     (Stay tune for this years activities…I was in a Spring kind of mood this morning! Yes, with 3 inches of snow still remaining on the ground…I’m trying to be optimistic!!)

    This is just a “sampler” of our favorites we have many, many more and I am hoping to post regularly “what we are reading” and share other “fun activities”! Be sure to leave me a comment; I would love to see what you have been reading with your families too!

Senses, butterflys, and more!!

The best part of summer is being outdoors and we have really been taking advantage of the cooler weather. Mommy and Daddy’s electric bill is saying “thank you” to mother nature as well! For some sensory fun the girls enjoyed playing in the dry pool with 175 colorful balls (I don’t know what Santa was thinking sending these our way last Christmas!!)

F0r a cool sensory treat we enjoyed some Dip’N’Dots at the local Zoo these were a big hit and very refreshing after walking around for hours.

Our most recent school highlight was the “Butterfly Release Party” thanks Andi for letting us join in on the fun!! We enjoyed meeting up with our friends each week to watch the caterpillars change form. Some of the books we enjoyed along the way ; The Very Hungry Catepillar, Angelina and the Butterfly (Angelina Ballerina), and Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly.

Pumpkin still has no interest in learning her letters although I have found she does know more of them than once thought. She has really taken a liking to writing and we are working on this daily now. The excitement when she does it correctly is priceless.

We have also started working with some of our Mailbox kits. If you are not familiar with these be sure to check them out…..Pumpkin does really well with them!! A bit more challenging than some file folder games., but learning through play none the less!! Well worth the $$ we got ours at a local teacher store going out of business.

Thanks for visiting out “school” and be sure to check out others doing the same at “Tot-School“.