How to Make Salt Dough Fossils

How To Make Salt Dough FossilsI have wanted to make salt dough fossils for quite sometime. We are currently studying ‘Flying Creatures’ for science and making nature fossils seemed to be a perfect fit. I also teach at a local homeschool co-op once a week and we made this same salt dough recipe in class – 3 batches of salt dough later I think I have mastered the recipe and wanted to share it with you!

It is easy to work with, rolls out great, bakes up nicely, and provided hours of entertainment for many little people. Speaking of entertainment, did you make our best ever play-doh? We are due to make another batch soon. In the summer months we like to take our dough experiences outdoors for a messy, hands on, multi-sensory learning experience.

Whether you are looking to make nature fossils, cute baby foot print momentos, or ornaments – this recipe will surely be a hit for the whole family.

My head is already spinning with ideas. After all, Mothers day is just around the corner…I’m thinking a layered handprint casting is on order at My Happy Homestead stay tune for more!

How to Make Salt Dough

How To Make Salt Dough Fossils-2


Backyard Gardening; Lessons Learned In Nature a Step Back in Time

%22Natural Inspires Creativity ...In Nature a Child Finds Freedom, Fantasy, Privacy...%22

The girls have been learning about gardening, organic farming, and nutrition! All from our little ‘back yard berry farm’. There is nothing quite like picking your own strawberries or raspberries and eating them the next morning for breakfast. I love seeing how excited the girls get to share their back yard gardens with friends. One of the greatest joys in teaching our children is ‘watching’ them teach others!

We are also enjoying our weekends away on the boat. Rain or shine……
All 3 children took part in this years ‘Island Beautification’ clean up. There were 20-30 mph winds but we were there and even my tiny tot put in a good effort.

Pumpkin got to ride the tractor with Daddy ….I love that my little girl still talks about “Mommy, when we move to our farm …”. A long time dream of mine (that I obviously instilled in our children)…..a dream that will likely stay that way for at least awhile.

{Making the dreams for Tomorrow Today’s Reality….see, you never know what life has in store for you. Do you have a dream? Where do you want to be? Never say never, little did I know back in 2012 we would move to our 10 acre homestead just three short years later.}

Looks like our little backyard “farm” will have to do…life is after all what you make of it! In the mean time we will always jump on board with any “farm” type opportunities in our house.


We are also taking advantage of any/all outside ‘nature science’ opportunities. Visits to the park have allowed us to capture God’s creations  big and small in action; toads, ducks, duck eggs, pesky bugs, fish flies, pollinating bees, rabbits, and we have had some great science lessons on birds as well (thanks, Daddy for hanging all of our bird feeders)!

Meet Flika the Frog

 After a “blogging” vacation we are back!! Not only are we back, but we have a new member of the family. 
Meet Flicka the Frog!!

We have been busy “plowing” through school with approximately 10 days left of Kindergarten …we are looking forward to a summer filled with science exploration! After a lot a reading, contemplating, and talking it was decided that a “dwarf frog” would be a great “starter” pet for Pumpkin. It was evident that she wanted a little pet of her own and we have been looking at purchasing some animal life cycle kits from HERE anyways.

So for now we have the frog, and in the future we will likely have little tadpoles. You ask why in that order? Since Pumpkin really wanted a pet, I could not bare her disappointment should none of her tadpoles turn into little frogs. Now, in the future if our “science experiment” goes smoothly she may just end up with a few new friends…

Boo has a request for a “ladybug house” so that is also on the list of coming soon…until then she too is enjoying our “hopping little buddy” Flicka!