Meet Flika the Frog

 After a “blogging” vacation we are back!! Not only are we back, but we have a new member of the family. 
Meet Flicka the Frog!!

We have been busy “plowing” through school with approximately 10 days left of Kindergarten …we are looking forward to a summer filled with science exploration! After a lot a reading, contemplating, and talking it was decided that a “dwarf frog” would be a great “starter” pet for Pumpkin. It was evident that she wanted a little pet of her own and we have been looking at purchasing some animal life cycle kits from HERE anyways.

So for now we have the frog, and in the future we will likely have little tadpoles. You ask why in that order? Since Pumpkin really wanted a pet, I could not bare her disappointment should none of her tadpoles turn into little frogs. Now, in the future if our “science experiment” goes smoothly she may just end up with a few new friends…

Boo has a request for a “ladybug house” so that is also on the list of coming soon…until then she too is enjoying our “hopping little buddy” Flicka!

Beautiful Babies Giveaway!!

 I am so excited to host my first giveaway for all my lovely readers!! 
On October 15, 2008 Erica opened Beautiful Babies making mostly crochet blankets and booties. Business was slow as she learned the ins and outs of owning an online retail business. Now, almost 21/2 years later, Etsy has turned a once loved hobby into a full fledged business for this “work at home mom”!! Beautiful Babies was even contacted by a designer from “The Smurfs” movie scheduled to release this upcoming Summer 2011; they requested one of Erica’s one of a kind blankets be sent overnight to Colombia Pictures in New York! The blanket was said to be “perfect” for a certain scene in the upcoming movie.
NOW, DRUM ROLL!!! One lucky reader will get a chance to win one of Beautiful Babies unique, one of a kind, made just for you hats!

Mandatory for Entry: visit Beautiful Babies and come back here telling me which item you like most
Additional (Optional) Entries: (After completing any of the below, be sure to come back here and leave a comment letting me know you did so!)
Subscribe to the PATCH
Follow “Loving Motherhood
Follow “The Shores Mom Blog” on the PATCH
Follow “Wee Explorers
(Yes, if you already follow/subscribe to any of the above you may still enter. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each task.)
Give Away Details:
·  This give away will be open until midnight EST Friday  April 15, 2011. The winner will be announced by Monday April 19, 2011.
·  Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, the lucky winner will be chosen at random!
·  Please leave a way for me to contact you in your entry. If I have not been able to contact the winner with in 48hrs another random winner will be chosen.
* In order to enter the contest you MUST leave a comment on THIS post!
To leave a comment scroll to the bottom of the post and click “Post a comment
Disclosure; we did receive a free Beautiful Babies hat for promoting this business. The opinions given are my own and not influenced in anyway by the free product/s given. Although, my opinions may differ from others I guarantee my honesty in all products we have used/tried. 
If you have a product/business you would like us to review please contact me  at

Fashion Challenge!!

Something happens when you become a mother your hips change (and will never go back), your hair takes on a new texture, your patience are tested to the max, you no longer think of yourself but your focus is redirected to your child, and your sense of fashion…..gets lost in the mix too!!

Motherhood it is a beautiful thing!!

Now, onto the good stuff…(deep breath) I took this picture during my cleaning frenzy days in the Spring (my closet of DOOM!). Yep, it still looks like this (amazing..) I can be so organized in some areas and such a mess in another. To be honest, between focusing on my kids wardrobe (switching seasons…out grown clothes…) and the constant laundry pile that never goes away (the last thing I want to look at is more clothes!) I hope I’m not alone in this..I would love to hear from you!!!

Well, I have officially come to a point (I think) I’m ready to face the challenge. Maybe some of you will join me? I am going to get rid of….EVERYTHING! I mean the shoes that are out of style, the belts that don’t fit over my wider more motherly hips, the shirts that some how after kids don’t seem to even touch my belly button…(how does that happen)? The purses that look like I’ve had them since 6th grade…its all going!!! I am doing a complete closet makeover….

Now, this is where the challenge comes in…we do not have a lot of money so its not like I can just blink and go buy new stuff ….and no unfortunately I wasn’t nominated for the show What Not to Wear on TLC (although if someone wanted to nominate me that would be great…LOL) I recently stumbled on some very fun resale shops in the area…(never thought I would say that). After some thought… I figured why not? I get great deals on the kids clothes at Mom 2 Mom sales so why not see what a resale/consignment shop has to offer I young mom….can you say VERY FUN!!!

So, first on the agenda…..

1) Clear it out…purging the unworn, unused, dust collecting clothes in my closet!! I will be taking some to local thrift stores/consignment stores, and good will….

2) Gather pictures of styles I like….(remember my baby brain has caused me to have this fashion brain freeze)

3) Gather Funds (I am very frugal…and do not like using money I don’t have!)

4) Shop until I drop…..

I know this is something I have to do not just for the sake of a messy closet but for some inner peace as well. I have officially become that mom that buys 4 of the same shirt just in a different color!! It is no secret when you look good you feel good!! We have all been there the day you didn’t get a shower and the entire day feels blah….its 8AM and you have been pooped, peed, and puked on!!

I think it is important to keep things in perspective. Motherhood is a season of life (a great journey at that). Why not make the best of it? I have been reading many books lately that led up to this sense of inspiration… I thought I would share a couple of my most recent;

The Duggars: 20 and Counting!: Raising One of America’s Largest Families–How they Do It
Mary Kay Ash (founder of Mary Kay cosmetics…great business book)

I hope I have inspired you in some small way to look at yourself and think….”Have I let something go?” Maybe your hair? Maybe your exercise routine? Maybe your perfect … if so I’d love to meet you! Get rid of the old…bring on the new…and take on the challenge to be the best God intended for you to be…. the best daughter, sister, wife, mother, and friend!!