I realized I forgot to share this priceless picture with all of you during my weeks of “Spring Frenzy” cleaning! Both of my girls have been paci baby’s and I can never seem to find one at that moment when they are needed. As I moved the crib to dust …. low and behold there was a paci resting on an electrical plug.
So then was born the “Paci Post”!!!

In an attempt to rid Pumpkin of the paci my husband and I (mostly I) tried many MANY different tactics. Some of them I shocked myself at the shear desperateness to rid her of that darn thing by her 3rd Birthday (which I might add didn’t happen). I tried cutting part of the nipple off (aka:broken paci’s), we tried setting limits, bought newborn ones so they would be to small for her mouth, we bought different brands, we packaged them up on her 3rd Birthday to mail them to the paci fairy, we tried, tried, and tried some more.
As Pumpkin waits anxiously on her 3rd Birthday to wait for gum to fall out of the sky from the fairy……Mommy had tears in her eyes (bye-bye paci….)! O.k so I will tell you we did not tell her the fairy was going to drop it out of the sky …..thinking quickly as parents must do! Gum really did fall from the sky …..or maybe it was thrown over the house?? She was thrilled none the less!!
The day went wonderfully until…….BED!!! O’ Dear God please help us I prayed….what are we to do our little 3 year old is so deeply saddened….Yep, we caved..Paci Fairy forgot to take one!! This went on for another month until; BAM…..
Could it be? Pumpkin put her paci in the garbage (we had already tried this before…it didn’t work!) This time was different “she did it”!! As bedtime neared I panicked ….but Pumpkin held strong went to bed without a fuss and said “I didn’t like that fuzzy on my paci” she will still tell you today that is why she threw it away….
I thank God for Pumpkins strong will and ability to know when is “right” for her!!