Watch Me Grow 4 wks
1 month old already!! I can’t believe it….time certainly does fly the older one gets!! As a child it seemed like a year could last forever now it seems as though one year quickly leads to the next….
Finally, another picture with your eyes open 🙂 when you are awake you are eating and when your not eating you are sleeping. O’the life of a new born!!

Enjoying a little bath time!! This was your first bath in the big tub…thus far we have bathed you in the sink!! However, your getting a bit long to fit in there these days and not to mention you are very slippery when wet!!

It has been a blast watching you this past month grow into a little person…you love to be held and cuddle lots (at times this makes it very difficult to get much of anything else done around the house). Mommy tries to enjoy these moments as I know they too will go by quickly. Boo’s new word is “fuss” if that says anything.. 🙂 You have turned over a number of times from your tummy to your back (mostly out of anger) but none the less it has been funny watching such a little baby roll….
Watch Me Grow Wk 3
Well my little man is now 3 weeks old….
I have enjoyed him sooo much!! I realized I have very few pictures of him awake because when he is awake he is nursing and when he is not nursing Im taking pictures of him sleeping! The little guy enjoyed his first trip to the zoo….well I’m not so sure he enjoyed it he slept through most of it. Big sister Pumpkin and big sister Boo certainly did enjoy themselves though. The weather was gorgeous; 70’s, sunny, with a cool breeze….I probably would have slept too if I could have!
I’ve decided boy clothes are very shall I say ‘blah’ everything is blue, white, red, yellow, and green. Everything is simple, simple, simple… any chance I get Im putting the little guy in cute outfits with hats to spice things up a bit!! He might not think this is so cute down the road so believe me I’m taking full advantage of it now 🙂
So yes, I did catch him with his thumb in his mouth but I have not seen it since…I actually thought it was super sweet even though the thought of breaking that habit made my stomach turn. The Peanut is recognizing our voices and smiling nearly on cue…I love his little giggles and snorts when he is dreaming….he is wearing mostly 0-3 mo clothes and growing like a weed!! He still has his baby acne and the heat these past few days (90 plus degrees) is certainly not helping!!