OJ Yogurt Pops

This is a quick and easy treat for the kiddo’s to enjoy!! The weather is going to be beautiful here today….I’m thinking we will be whipping up a batch ourselves!! Mmmmm…the “taste’s of summer”!!


1 carton vanilla yogurt (we usually buy ours from HERE)
1 can (6 oz.) concentrated, unsweetened OJ 

Easy as 1, 2, 3

1) Mix well and freeze in 3-oz. paper cups.

2) Insert a wooden stick in each cup when mixture is partially frozen.

3) Enjoy!!

Lion Lesson

 “Wee” have been exploring weather patterns and what better time of year to do that? The month of March!! In like a “lion out like a lamb” boy…I can only hope the next couple days bring some “lamb like weather” it is darn chilly these days!

To go along with our “lion like weather” we made paper plate lions. Boo enjoyed squeezing the glue in her little cup and placing the tissue paper squares carefully around the outer edge of the plate.

While, Pumpkin started from the inner most part of the circle and worked her way to the edge. Pumpkin also was not a fan of using the yellow and the orange together…..she would have much preferred only using one color for the lions mane.

Some google eyes, a triangle shaped nose, a smile, and a “roarrrrr” these little lions were perfect for a quick and easy craft for my little guys!

We also took some time to learn about lions HERE
For a fun coloring page
Don’t forget to write a “letter to the lions” great writing assignment (wink, wink)

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