Five minute Friday; rhythm

So better late than never…it is Friday you know where you hop over to the awesome Lisa-Jo Bakers sight and look for today’s prompt. There are only 2 rules; you can only write for 5 minutes and you must show some blog love and comment on the persons post that linked before you. That’s it! There is no editing, perfecting, or spell check going on it is just the real deal stemmed from one little word. Join in the #FMFPARTY

Today’s word; Rhythm


The song and dance of life creates a rhythm so sweet sometimes it’s as if we are undeserving.  The gifts we are blessed with. The love that we are given. The undeserving grace, constant forgiveness, and the endless opportunities to better ourselves. Behind every closed door God is there waiting for you to open another. While the rhythm of life flows like a river it is not always thought of as glorious. There are those times the rhythm of life is so crazy, fast it’s as if a storm is waiting to push us down. Those rhythms which leave us unstable are not HIM! They are lies it is hard; we are pushed  beyond our limits. We want to quit: we want to give up, stop moving, and stand still. We are called to a halt; a halt of movement. We are left to reevaluate. Where are we going? How are we getting there? We must lean on faith and faith alone to get moving again. What is our purpose.

The rhythm of  life is not something we are in constant awareness but we are called to keep the rhythm going. Keep the song and dance of life alive and keep it running smoothly. Spreading messages of love, laughter, hope, and courage. Despite the halting road blocks that are thrown our way. We will find the joy in the small things to keep moving forward.
I pray my sweet friends that you are not stopped by any storms. There are no storms to big or to small that deserve your song and dance to stop. Your rhythm of life may need altering here and there. You may need to prioritize, restructure, and rely on hope. However, don’t let the storms stop you! You are not alone! 
Hold strong the ‘crazy’ dances are temporary and as are the songs of ‘peace’. It is a constant eb and flow of life.
The ups and downs the rhythm keeps us moving to where we are going. Keep your life in check… and dance to the music of life!