Every homesteader must have a plan, be prepared, and actively take part in a common good.
As my children get older I see just how quickly the years pass. I’ve never really been much of a goal setter as I often found they left me feeling empty and unaccomplished if I didn’t reach them. However, now that I see my life surely not evolving around just myself but the presences of many; setting goals is my foundation for survival. (Click HERE to see my word of the year and why)
Sure, I fail at times and don’t reach every last goal but it is all part of a process. A process in which stepping stones become building blocks. Goals are the very foundation that all else will be built upon. We have already discussed the importance of perspective. Having our mind in line with our heart so to speak.
Now, we will take the first steps towards setting your goals. I also encourage you to do this with your family as you see fit. They too will benefit greatly from being involved and having a voice in matters that directly might effect them.
In order to live a purposeful and simple life it is critical that we define who and what is of most importance to us.
This list should include only 3-6 things. As this my friends is where I in my past have dropped the ball; my list of what is/was important was much too long. In a sense I “dropped the ball” of goal setting long before it even started rolling.
Here is an example of my current list;
My husband
My children
Healthy living
I might add that my list is not an exclusive list of who or what is important to me, but those things rather that are of my top priority. The things you list should be of your “main focus” and/or “main priority” the rest will fall into place accordingly.
Now, take that priority list and break it down smaller. For example if you too said God or faith you might make a list that looks like this.
God/faith- go to church, volunteer, join a bible study
Lastly, turn your bigger ideals into bite size manageable pieces. The smaller we make a goal the more attainable it will become.
God/Faith as a priority becomes;
A goal to go to church becomes;
Go to church weekly
A goal to volunteer becomes:
How much time do you have to give?
Call the church Monday:
Find a ministry:
Get started!
We are not in full control of our situations and/or destination God alone holds that key but a life without a plan is a life only half lived. (tweet this)