A Change in Perspective

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” We ask this question to our young children; chuckling all the while knowing most 20,30,40,50 something’s still don’t know. 

What is your calling? What are your strengths? Or better yet, what dreams do you have? Chase those. Yes, the dreams that is. Know that you are made for more than 9-5:00; but, careful to not lose sight that your present ‘job‘ might just be the door to your next ‘calling‘. 

With every new experience we gain knowledge and with every closed door another opens. It is so easy to get swallowed by the ‘feel sorry for me monster‘ that dwells in each of us. The truth is you are a canvas intricately being painted by God. Him as the artist you as the masterpiece. Does this make you look at your goals a bit differently? Well, it has for me.

So often my days of Dr. Mom, teacher, chef, maid, police force, etc. left me dog tired at the end of the day and sort of empty. Although, hard to admit as rewarding as motherhood can be it is down right exhausting. Your hours are 24/7, your work often goes unappreciated, and society well, although quick to say “motherhood is the hardest job ever” quite frankly is not always so supportive. Women today are expected to “do it all“; work, maintain a home, be at school functions, volunteer, and run a small circus of activities in/outside the home. As a result for years I have felt like a failure. Although, I have always had a supportive husband and family; the voice of society weighed heavy on my mind. Then, something changed. What changed? Me! My perspective. 

My desire to wear fancy work clothes, have a ‘title‘, use my degree, and play household juggler no longer seem important. Other peoples opinions don’t either. So often, our own perspective is the very thing that kills our J.O.Y. I’m not a canvas looking for approval and neither are you. Finding contentment, acceptance, and support from sources outside ourselves inevitably leads to failure, depression, and frustration. Artists don’t make art imitating the work of others and I know God’s ultimate plan for me will be like none that have walked before. My “job” within the home although, not always glamorous is exactly where I’m suppose to be.

Accepting motherhood as a calling does not mean it is the very thing that will define you. It is not a final destination. It is rather, a stepping stone to building a future like no other. You are after all raising the next generation.

How is your perspective? What can you do differently to make it better?

I invite you to step off the excuse train and start building. Time is our most precious gift and the thing we waste the most. So, there’s no better time than today!

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