You are the Gift

Are your children cuddle bugs?

Some of mine are and some are most definitely not {take note K.Bear is missing from the picture}. With four children it always amazes me to see just how very different they are. Similarities for sure but the same no way. With each turn of the key a new adventure is just waiting to be discovered.

 I would never want my children to be the same as each one brings about something different, special, and unique to our family table. As for all of the unknown adventures lying behind the door; I trust God has a special plan, and it is simply my calling to mother my children the best I know how.

As we prepare for our sweet baby boy {scooters} first birthday tomorrow. I’m reminded just how different things can be. When we had our oldest nearly 8 years ago we invited everyone we knew to the party, we celebrated, ate dinner, enjoyed cake, and all was well. What changed?

We got wiser! 

Four kids later the party is now broke into ‘3‘ mini ones allowing those who we love to share ample time with our sweet boy. The fuss of it all is toned down and the gift giving/receiving is at a minimum. It is the sharing, loving, and reflecting on this special day that make it memorable. It’s not the gifts, cards received, and the company by the 100’s. It’s not the money spent, the hours spent preparing, or the location. It is about celebrating “the gift“! 
The gift of you!


In this case we will be celebrating a tiny cuddler. A boy loved dearly by his siblings; adored by his parents, and an all around blessing our family. Happy Birthday sweet “baby James” {Note; that is not his name…that is simply the name big brother; Mr.Smiles calls him.}

Join me at my friend Crystal’s place as we take you “Behind the Scenes

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