I’ve got this.. {five.minute.friday}

Some call it a lack of blogging; and some call it a blogger-cation any which way this momma was taking a little break as I prepped for the 2013/2014 school year. We officially started school {3rd, kindergarten, prek 3, and tot-school} Wednesday. The same sweet students, a new curriculum, new goals, and a mom’s heart that is filled with joy as her children go to bed saying “I can’t wait for school tomorrow”.

Today is Friday a day I like to have a little fun and join with a community unlike any other. It Five-minute-Friday .. Join me! Write for five minutes on a given prompt; no editing, no worries, just fun. Today’s prompt; red


The year has officially begun with a goal to make school fun for all: while embracing all opportunities to learn, explore, and develop their sweet minds. The year has begun with a goal to create a home filled with joy, laughter, and creativity. The year has begun with a goal to provide a safe haven for all the gifts God has given each of my children. It is a time to find and further encourage growth in these areas so that they might go forth armed with the tools God saw fit. 
A morning circle time, books read by mom, a class of four adorable, rosy red cheeked,  tan faces after a boating filled summer. Our morning flows like a river .. 
A nature walk exploring all of creation in search of the anticipated red, orange, and yellow leaves; surely a sign Fall is drawing near. The days pass by in a flash and the worry once felt leaves my side; no longer a stress filled soul, but a warm heart filled to the brim knowing; I’ve got this! 

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