Watch Me Grow 7wks

7 Weeks….and the theme for this week should be “nothing but love”!!

Especially sisterly love…

Yep, this picture say’s it all big sister K.bear thought you needed a few toys to play with…not so sure you felt the same!! 🙂  
You did forgive her obviously, since you are sitting quite contently on her lap…this was a rare photo op I might add as most of the time she is trying to squeeze the life out of you. “Monkey See, Monkey Do” after a short while on K.bear’s lap typically Pumpkin gets the last minutes of squeeze time!! Pumpkin enjoys being the oldest as she knows it has certain perks…a.k.a ‘trust’!! 
I just love the baby pudge!! You are filling out the car seat just fine…and missing very few feedings these days. You are staying awake for longer periods of time and enjoying a little ‘play time’ ..
Snug as a bug!!
You went on your first wagon ride!! You also had your first big sleep over with ‘big’ cousin Jeffrey!! More and more firsts everyday…Mommy just hopes I can keep up with it all. With 3 kids under 5 and two in 22 months life is certainly happy chaos. Wouldn’t change a thing but just try to capture it all!!

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