Plan, Persevere, and Pursue Your Passion
How to Persevere and not measure up.
The part of the story everyone struggles to tell is – the part where they experience failure and struggle. Funny, how we do that. We quickly embrace the compliments ignoring that we fell down the mountain 100xto get where we are today. We all want to know what someone’s day looks like to see if we are “doing it right“.
Here’s the thing although I wear many “hats” as a mother [and I know you do too], never be intimidated by someone who appears to “have it all together” because chances are pretty, good they are just climbing a different mountain than yourself. They are falling, seeking strength and persevering just the same as you and I. There is no “right” way.
When I homeschool my kids I get flustered, aggravated and short tempered just the same as you do –your day might just look like 2 hours of homework at the end of the day. When I plan meals, cook and clean, there are days quite frankly I don’t want to do it– and I wish ordering out was an option.
We all want the picket fence with the kids that play hard for hours but don’t track a small mud pie in behind them. We all set out for that perfect marriage– and no sooner do we realize “whew, this is work“.
Pursue Your Passion
All things that take hard work are worth fighting for. Having a plan will only take us so far it’s putting one foot in front of the other that creates the path to achieving greatness. That same greatness shouldn’t be measured by dollar signs, rubies, or diamonds – but rather, at the end of your day knowing your purpose has been fulfilled. One unique step in front of the other.