This space I pour my heart and soul into weekly is the same space I dream of making the world a healthier place one reader at a time. I share the stories of my life experiences and offer up encouragement to see you through your days.
My homestead is yours. If you lived next door to me my kids would scream your name with joy, color you countless pictures, and my family would undoubtedly greet you with a smile. That is what I want you to feel when you come to this space; a warm welcome shared over coffee or tea. If we were sitting face to face chances are there would be days we laugh, dream, make plans to achieve the unthinkable, and sometimes we may even shed a tear or two together along the way.
I love to laugh and there truly isn’t much I don’t say without smiling. I had a good friend once say to me “Jen, I’m pretty sure you could tell me the saddest story, but with a smile all the while“. I’m not so sure this is a good thing as I’ve become quite good at hiding behind that genuine smile over the years. The truth is we all break sometimes and experience pain- that’s life, right?
I’m learning to accept help when needed and give what I can’t control up in prayer. It’s a process- a long one at that. If you were sitting across from me chances are pretty good now days that we would laugh until are belly’s hurt and sometimes we might let out a good cry. You know that cry of complete frustration, anger, confusion, and lack of control. That ugly cry, we all hold back to only share with those closest to us.
Sharing my story here, in this place, isn’t always easy but I think it’s important; it’s the place I get to show my kids the only thing scary is not taking action, and the only thing to be ashamed of is the failure from not trying. It is this same place I get to encourage you to do great things and raise great leaders for tomorrows future.
I am seeking;
Big Changes, Big Dreams, and Big Challenges
If you missed my post yesterday “Learn How to Read a Label” , the piece of my homestead you would be missing is my love hate relationship with food. I love to eat it. I hate how it has literally controlled controlled my life at times.
The part of the story I have never told until this week is 3/4 th’s of my children have varying degrees of food intolerance’s. I share this with you not as a desperate mom looking for pity upon her situation, but rather as a mom determined to make this world a healthier place for her her kids. We all have been given a passion, purpose, or calling; what is yours? What makes you tick? What is the story that you are suppose to share?
What if in an instant you couldn’t buy your child a doughnut at the nearest drive thru?
What if your preschooler couldn’t use the sensory bin at school because the play-doh contained gluten.
What if holidays became more of a stress than a joy?
What if your child were to wake you out of a dead sleep crying that her feet were burning from a food she ate hours before; a food which was clearly handled improperly, yet, promised to be gluten free.
What if your family could never go out to eat together?
What if you had to bring your children’s food to every birthday party, graduation, and public gathering?
You would be desperate too, right? Desperate for change? Desperate to educate others on the importance of reading labels, food handling, and the seriousness of food reactions. That is my passion; now, what is yours? Leave me a comment or drop me an email I love hearing from you.
This space I’ve encouraged you to write, share, and tell your story is the same space I dream of welding our stories together. Lets learn together, live life to its fullest, and lead others to do the same.
I’m super excited and have a number of projects going on behind the scenes. If you haven’t already signed up for my email list do so now; for discounts on upcoming offers and all the latest behind the scenes information.