Soul Food

There are those profound life changing moments such as your wedding day, the birth of a child, and the death of a loved one regardless of how good or bad the event(s); they help shape who you are today. There are also those life impacting moments; you know, the ones that touch your soul  and change your entire life’s perspective. This weekend at Allume was one of those huge impact weekends. I came home refreshed, but yet, oh so exhausted from all that I had just experienced.

There is still so much of the weekend that I have not even begun to reflect upon. 

I conquered fears. I made new friends. I did what I set out to accomplish; a rejuvenation of my mind, body, and spirit.

I was in the company of 453 women; we laughed. We cried. We dreamed. We shared. We were inspired. We were encouraged. We were poured into. We connected and bonded over the very things that give us; life, joy, and happiness. We were brought to this place together to make a difference. 

For quite sometime now I have been in trenches of baby land; birthing children, nursing babies, diapers, and teaching. It has been a constant pouring into others atmosphere causing me to lose sight of the track God has set out for me and my family. 

As moms we are guilt ridden at the thought of doing something for ourselves. We give. We pour into others. We serve endlessly. We are in a sense becoming dry bones“. (Ezekiel 37: 1-14)

As I am still beginning to process the weekends experiences I leave you with this; we are all uniquely made with a given purpose. What is right for me might very well not be the same for you. Refuel your soul; whether, you have no children, 19 children, are married, or single. Take care of you! 

On a Jet Plane…

Right about now, I am flying (something I have not done in almost 6 years). I am likely nervous, excited, and hopefully finding comfort with my coffee cup and a good book in hand. After all it’s not everyday that you get to join 100’s of like minded women in community…..

My hope is to refresh my mothering soul. I intend to learn lots and I have plans to pour into you more. Please join me as I pray for all of those who have put a great amount of effort into making this conference a success and for the life changing impact opportunities that are still to come from its labor. As a community we can achieve great things ….

I am so very thankful for this gift.

I’m Going Away; Allume Truths

Lately, it seems these 5 minute posts is all this momma can muster up in her crazy life; but, I am here. I am in my little corner of this big, crazy world, and jumping in feet first. Join me!

Today myself and some crazy, inspiring, fun virtual friends link up today at Lisa Jo-Bakers home {blog} we write unedited for five minutes all on a given prompt, link up, encourage each other, and have a great time all the while. Today’s word; True
Heart racing and palms sweating I click the purchase button. I’m going to Allume.  I have a ride, sitters lined up, a hotel room complete with roommates. All is lined up “I’m going away“. Just me, 100’s of miles away. {gasp!}
For those of you that don’t know what Allume is; it is a blogging and writing conference. It is an opportunity to hear some of my favorite authors speak, take part in mission opportunities, and meet virtual friends in(RL).  It is true you can make connections via this crazy virtual world. You can develop friendships and find community. I’m not recommending you keep your head in a virtual world 24/7 by any means; hence, our meet up in just one month. Real life should never be replaced by a virtual one, but these friendship and women are real. And we are going to shine together in this place. 
O.K. truth, I’m a hot mess. I don’t do this kind of thing. I don’t leave my family. I never, ever leave my kids; and yes, I did contemplate selling/transferring my ticket. What am I doing traveling 100s of miles away from home? I’m not even a real writer. Who am I to walk amongst these women who have accomplished so much? It is true, I am way out of my zone. I’m chasing dreams; heart racing and palms sweating: I’m going to do this! All my trust in Him because I surely don’t know how I got here.