So even my best efforts could not begin to “go back” and recap all that we have been doing…but we have kept busy with school, field trips, and just exploring the world around us!! It has taken the past 5mo after having Mr. Smiles to get things in order but I finally feel like “I’m getting somewhere” ?!
The girls worked on our family Gingerbread House this weekend and it came out beautifully. Pumpkin (take note) did most of the decorating while K.Bear was the silent observer eating the candy. Even now as it sits in the corner of our living room the little munchkin has been picking away at it…what a stinker!!
The weather was quite unseasonably warm …so it was nice to take advantage of the nice weekend and pick out our Christmas tree. The girls ran around the Nursery looking at all the trees. Ours should be delivered by our lovely Uncle Bob this weekend!!
This year we are trying something new…an “Advent Tree”…I have pretend ornaments hung on two little trees on the back of each ornament is something “special” we will be doing. The next 25 days are guaranteed to be fun and exciting.
Our December 1st ornament was “make a paper chain”…the girls loved linking them together and working as a “team” to link, glue, and attach each piece. (Mommy had a to help a bit as the glue was not cooperating; we then switched to tape!)
Yes, although it is nearing the end part of 2010… there will be lots to share, lots to “catch up on”, and lots to look forward too!! We are excited to share the rest of our 2010 with you and bring in 2011 surely with a lot of giggles, wiggles, and exploring along the way!