
Well it is Easter Morning and the girls are still sleeping can you say “shocking!!” I am up of coarse waiting for them to awake to their Easter surprises. We have a fun packed day full of events. Blessings to you, your families, and all of your little ones!

I also wanted to ask for everyone to say a little prayer tomorrow for our little K-bear she will have surgery on a Dermoid Cyst above her right eye. Anyone I have spoken with about this has assured me “its no big deal”! Of coarse any surgery has its risks and the worry is a bit more when it is your own 8 mo old! So please think of us tomorrow and I will be sure to post more on her recovery.

Thanks for praying for me!!!


  1. Pattie says:

    K Bear is in our prayers. I know what it’s like to hand over your baby. My K Bear was 1.5M. She will be in gods hand through out it all. Pray for you and your family as you wait for any and every word on how things are going though out. 1 Tip don’t let your brain freak you out when you don’t hear anything. That is the toughest part of surgery.

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