Simple Savvy Homestead Meal Planner Giveaway

Gluten Free, Family, Planning, Menu, Food, Free 

I love organization and if there is one thing I can say going from a family of three to six in 7 short years- it certainly stretches your skills a bit. One place my organization skills have repeatedly been tested- is in the kitchen.

Dinners used to be easy when it was just my husband and I. There weren’t any food allergies, intolerance’s, and sensitivities to worry about. There weren’t any picky eaters- and, well it was just plain simple. 
Here’s the thing- I don’t have tons of time to spend in the kitchen cooking up elaborate meals. I bet you don’t either. I don’t have a money tree growing in my back yard-therefore, I need to budget, save where I can, and plan accordingly in order to make the best use of my time. 
I created the Simple Savvy Homestead Meal Planner to fulfill a need of my own- but, in the months it took me to create the planning kit I met more families like myself who also struggled with meal planning- I wanted to be able to help them– and, as many of you as possible. Especially since we are all looking to save a little time these days. So, here is your chance to win a free copy– 

However, if your luck is anything like mine and you never win -no need to fret I will be lowering the price to $5.00 for everyone for one week only. I truly want to help each of you live healthier lives, spend less time doing the things that take you away from your loved ones, and save money for the things you really want.
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 Simple Savvy Homestead Meal Planning Kit

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