Paci Revelation

So this week has truly been one of the worst in my Mommy journey thus far. It all started with dropping and I do mean “DROP” a pot of coffee on my kitchen floor at 4:30 AM Monday morning. Not a good way to start the week!! I thought of writing a book called the “Untold Stories of a Sleep Deprived Mommy”. I know I would have plenty with that one ranking amongst the top. Coffee was everywhere! Nothing like mopping up “Liquid Gold” at 4:30AM I could have cried how could I spill something I truly do need for my own survival at this point in my life? However, I might add God was truly watching me as I did it because not one drop landed on me I could have seriously burned my feet.

The week progresses…..Abby refuses to take a nap we are on day 3 of no nap in her bed. My sweet angel who would sleep 3 hrs now refuses to take one at all? errrr!!! Exhausting is the best way to describe it. Sometimes I feel like super nanny dragging her back and back again to her room, take quiet time, play with whatever you want, sleep, just sit there! Mommy needs a break…even a half hour is better than nothing. Only to cave and let her watch a movie on the couch so I can have a few minutes to myself. That is to add if the little one cooperates too.

Yesterday took the cake….everything was a battle…not wanting breakfast, not wanting a nap, demanding that her paci go with her everywhere she went….Im talking 21/2-3 hrs of crying throughout the day from a 3 yr old. It was so bad at one point I took a “mommy time out” I shut the door to my room. I told her why I was going in there; because I was being mean and getting really upset I needed to take a break. That REALLY made her mad. Pounding on my door yelling (I might add the baby slept through it all!!). That was when things began to change. The paci was no longer important and we had a great evening. I do mean great!!

Abby decided on her own after dinner that she was going to throw the paci’s in the garbage she no longer needed them….I didn’t believe her so I had my husband dig them out and hide them. Clean them too!! But she did it!!! It is 6:00 AM right now and we are paci free!! She is so proud of herself I saw her 2x’s in the middle of the night (bathroom and needed covers) both times she looked at me with those big brown eyes and said “Im sleeping so good” “Im big”!!

Whatever brought us to this point I do not know but I thanked God last night 100x’s for this outcome. This mommy couldn’t have another paci battle!!

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