Mothers Days

Mothers Day is quickly approaching so I thought I would share a few ideas/activities to work on this upcoming week…

Some “Mommy” songs:
(sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O)

I love her and she loves me,

And Mommy is her name-o.
And Mommy is her name-o.

(sung to the theme of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Mommy, Mommy, let me say,
“I love you in every way.
I love you for all you do.
I love you for being you.”
Mommy, Mommy, let me say,
“Have a Happy Mother’s Day!”

For other great ideas check out the Mailbox

Some Mothers Day projects we will be working on in the coming days!!

A Book of Kisses (Letter K)

Craft Stick Frames (The letter F)

and a Mommy Fact Sheet:


construction paper
time to laugh : )

Ask children questions about their mommies and write the questions and answers down. What is your Mother’s name? How old is she? How tall is she? How much does she weigh? What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? What color is her hair? What is her favorite thing to eat? What is her favorite movie? Where does she like to go? What is her favorite hobby? Then have them draw pictures of their mommies. These little sheets always make great scrapbook keepers!!

Check out childfun for more fun things to make/do with you kids!

Happy Mothers Day!!

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