Growing Your Online Presence Getting Noticed in A Noisy World

Growing Your Online Presence
Last year was full of changes- from our big move to the country to starting my own business; there wasn’t a minute that went by that I didn’t have multiple plates spinning simultaneously. And yes, there were plenty of moments I questioned my sanity. I mean seriously y’all, homeschooling, running a business, growing a garden, chasing chickens…but, it’s all about balance and rhythm. As much as those plates spun – they spun in perfect harmony.

I have been creating businesses and writing business plans for as long as I can remember – from home library check out services, bike ride training {I didn’t know how to ride myself but, I was certainly going to teach someone else to do so}, hosting lemonade stands, to building a killer Halloween babysitting marketing plan – that gem earned me my neighborhood title ‘The Pied Piper’.

Creating, teaching, and leading others – it is what I was born to do.

While, I am not always a huge fan of social media there is no denying it has become a leading influence in the way people behave, interact, socialize, communicate, and do business with one another. Social media has forever changed the way we do things – in my 7+ years of freelance writing, blogging, and media experience I have certainly learned a thing or two. While, media can be a real headache it can also be a real blessing.

I have met so many wonderful people over the years – friendships have been made and countless partnerships alike have been made possible through this crazy noisy world of social media. That said, the road to building an authentic online presence sadly does not come easy and it certainly does not always bring out the ‘pretty’ in us. Living in a noisy world with everything in our face all the time has opened many doors for the ugly comparison and jealousy monster in all of us to enter – yes, even in the most well intentioned of persons.

Here’s the thing – be you, be authentic, and take small steps daily. We are all unique and have special gifts to offer. There has never been another you that has walked this planet and there will never be another. Don’t waste your time, energy, and money trying to be like someone else. Just be you!

This blog is a place for you to join #myhappyhomestead as we seek the good life; through intentional living, practical parenting, leaving a legacy, and pursuing work that matters.

It is a chance for you to join us on this crazy journey called ‘life’ – from city roots to country boots.

It is a place to inspire, empower, and encourage you to make your tomorrow dreams today’s reality; find your passion, seek your purpose, live simply, and make a difference.

It is not where I will flood you with ‘business building’ and advertising {unless I see fit and useful to you}.

But, if you are or you know someone who is a Mom, Dad, Entrepreneur, MomPreneur, or small business owner trying to expand their business into the worldwide web? Feel free to share this post. I would love to chat!

Are you a direct sales consultant stuck in a rut and struggling to reach beyond your circle of friends? Or are you just down right confused with all of this online “sharing” stuff and would prefer to have someone else sit in the “online” drivers seat?

Lets work together and build your online presence. Get your business noticed in this noisy online world!

Proper integration and execution of all aspects of marketing is essential for optimal performance. Stay connected to your target market 24/7, build your online presence, increase customer service, educate your clients, and Lets BE Social!


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