For years there have been some foods we just haven’t eaten. Not because we didn’t like them- but, simply because I didn’t know how to make them safe for our family. This lent I tackled one of my fears and made a family favorite- Gluten-Free (dairy and nightshade free) Pierogi’s. This same recipe is a real gem for ravioli and homemade lasagna roll-ups too. The options are endless- I hope you like it.
Dough Ingredients –
- 2 C Garbanzo Bean Flour
- 1 1/3 C All Purpose Gluten Free Flour Blend * (recipe below)
- 4 T Ground Flax Seeds
- 10 T Warm Water
- 6 tsp. Xanthum Gum
- 1 tsp. Salt
- 4 T Oil
- 5 T Cool Water
- Gluten-Free Flour Blend (for floured surface) or I use a non-stick silicone mat
Filling Ingredients –
3-4 Sweet Potatoes (boiled and mashed)
1 tsp. Rosemary
1 tsp. Rosemary
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Instructions –
- In a small bowl, mix ground flax seeds and warm water together and let sit 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix remaining ingredients.
- Add flax seed mixture to flour mixture until all ingredients are incorporated.
- On a lightly Gluten-Free floured surface, roll dough out to 1/8” thickness.
- Using a round biscuit cutter (or the rim of a drinking glass), cut dough into circles.
- Place filling on one half of circle and fold over. Gently press edges together to seal.
- Gently place pierogi in boiling water and boil 3-5 minutes (they may or may not float to the top)
- Remove from water with slotted spoon and place on lightly oiled or parchment paper lined cookie sheet. **
- Pan fry in butter and serve.
* Gluten Free All Purpose Flour Blend – Equal parts brown rice flour, sorghum flour and tapioca starch mixed until well blended. I mix a batch of this Gluten-Free All Purpose flour and keep it stored in a sealed plastic container in my freezer.
** If not using immediately, at this point pierogi’s may be flash frozen in a single layer then once firm placed in zip-lock bags and stored in freezer for later use.
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