This is when I hit the pause button from my 31days of food intolerance posting and take some time for me.
It’s Five Minute Friday; a bunch of us crazy blogger types gather together #fmfparty it up and join in a community like no other. We write on a given prompt for 5 minutes, unedited, and link up at Lisa Jo-Bakers blog for a sharing good time. Join us!
Today’s prompt; Write
So many times this week thoughts danced in my head; why me? I write for one and nothing more. I write to vent, find peace, and understand. I’m not a professional and there are so many more knowledgeable than myself. I do not public speak, my platform is small, and what does all of this matter anyways?
There are blogs with bigger numbers and writers with an established platform. Why am I here? I don’t truly belong in this place at times. It is a foreign world to me that I have so much to learn. However, a glimmer of hope, trust, and friendship keeps me going.
I struggle and press on. Each 31day post I write brings tears, truth, and a real story to the table. A story not many know accept for those living physically in our home. Food intolerances, allergies, and the like are real. It can be hard and frustrating but we are together as one in a community.
We are one working together for the good of many. Yes, my friends I’m writing, advocating, and speaking on behalf of millions. I might be writing for one but represent many. He spoke and I will answer. I will press on. I will push beyond my outer limits. I will educate, encourage, and write until I can no longer. It is my calling and that is why I’m home.