Good bye 20’s

Well, it is official…
I am in the 30 club!! Happy Birthday to me 🙂 I had a great day spent with my family, shopping with my mom, it poured rain, my lovely husband had beautiful flowers sent to the house, and we kicked off lent eating some fish fry from a local church in the area!! Thanks to all my wonderful family and friends for making my day

so special!!

My First 30 Years!!
They looked something like this…
Learn to walk, talk, run, play, enjoy life just being a kid….
School, school, and more school….
Dance, Cheerleading, a bit of this a bit of that…
Youth group, mission trip, choir
All the while making wonderful friends to share it with!
The ups, the downs…and everything in between..
Work, play, work, play…
Get married to my lovely husband
have 3 beautiful little blessings…
Working harder than ever before…..
Playing more than ever…
Praying tons..
and just taking a hold of all that life has to offer!!
I’m not sure what the next 30 years will look like for me…
but I am looking forward to sharing it with 
all those around me!!
My life is blessed not by what I have done…
nor by what I have accomplished…
but by those who have blessed me along the way!!