Accept Failure Take Action Anyway

This space on Fridays has been saved for those days I can seem to muster up some extra writing energy. It is a space that I write freely for “5 Minutes unedited”  on a given prompt by my friend Lisa-Jo. It is a time to practice my art and share with others. Hope you will join me!

Go… Today’s word “willing” 
Dreaming is easy; but, being willing to act is not quite so. 
We dream of the what if’s, we feel the emotions as if it were real, that constant stirring of our inner most spirit. We long to express our deepest thoughts; yet, we continue to keep them bottled up inside. 
A bottle bursting at the seems waiting to be shaken and spew all that it contains. 
We wait, and wait! Then eventually, building the courage we start to leak. The dreams that keep us going. Let me encourage you to start leaking..
Take those next steps to action. 
Be willing to take risks
Be willing to fail
Be willing to struggle along the way
Expect frustration and moments of a well run dry. 
Keep going…leak your dreams today..act.. and be willing to accept the outcome regardless of what it was meant to be. 
So often it’s not the destination that matters most but the journey that got us there. Be willing to take action and fail along the way. It will only make you stronger.
