Fathers Day Get Your Grill On Meal Plan


There is something about Fathers Day and a home cooked dinner on the grill. {Kind of makes me wish Mothers Day was in June/July} I just love a good grilled dinner.

I have gathered up our “Fathers Day Get Your Grill On Meal Plan” and because I adore you of course I’m sharing it! Plan ahead and save yourself the stress of “what’s for dinner”.

Fathers Day

Fathers Day Get Your Grill On Meal Plan

These Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs from Cooking Classy just look scrumptious. Pineapple, red onion, peppers, and chicken in a hawaiian bbq glaze. We will be substituting the soy sauce in the glaze with Eden Foods Organic Tamari.

hawaiian-chicken-kebabs- Get your grill on for Fathers Day

As soon the weather breaks my kids start asking for corn on the cob – I mean, come on think about it there are not many foods one can safely pick up, eat with your hands, and your mom won’t yell at you for doing so. I can’t really blame them for loving it.

While this grilled corn from Eating On a Dime does look amazing I am not entirely sure if we will use the aluminum foil method or not. We may actually opt to soak the husks and corn in cold water as we normally do. We soak the corn for several hours and then grill the soaked corn still in the husks placing the whole thing directly on the grill {it is usually our referred method as it locks in a great deal of flavor from the husk} but, this foil idea would certainly save on clean up and prevent the burning of ones hands upon peeling the hot husks off.

grilled-corn-on-the-cob-is-easy-to-make- get -your-grill-on -for -fathers-day

We love cole slaw! ColeSlaw is incredibly easy, economical, and can serve a crowd with minimal effort. While, I could certainly cut/shred all of the cabbage myself – I have recently taken a liking to the bagged premixed cabbage {I know shocking, right?! Remember work smarter NOT harder}. The bagged cabbage from our local grocer is fresh, tastes great, inexpensive, and a whole lot less messy {yes, even with the use of our food processor}.

If you still prefer to shred your own and have not tried using a food processor I  highly recommend it!! The pieces of cabbage will be evenly shredded and it will save you a whole lot of cutting.

Homestead Cole Slaw Recipe - quick-easy-great for summer dinners - and backyard- bbq

Our kids will be over the moon excited to sink their teeth into this Gluten Free Strawberry Short Cake. Basically a gluten free biscuit {gf flour, salt, milk, baking powder, and salt} What the Fork Blog uses xanthum gum but, I will omit this as I try not to use a lot of the ‘gums’ in my baking/cooking – from my experience I have found most recipes come out just fine without it.

Fresh strawberries and homemade whipped cream – I can almost taste it already. Another perk to Fathers Day in June…FRESH Strawberries! Good thing at My Happy Homestead we love our Dad!

Gluten-Free-Strawberry-Shortcake-fathers-day-dessert- idea

Purchase from any of our sponsors/affiliate and help support this blog –

Eden Organic Tamari Soy Sauce - A Gluten Free Alternative to Traditional SoyHamilton Beach 70730 Bowl Scraper Food Processor - Making ColeSlaw? This Kitchen Gadget Makes the Chore Nearly EffortlessMarzetti Slaw Dressing - Best Ever Homestead Cole Slaw Recipe


Tomatoless Sauce; Gluten, Dairy, and Nightshade Free

Sharing my homemade tomato-less sauce recipe today for all our allergy sensitive friends and family.

When I first discovered that our son could not eat tomatoes I thought- “eh, its not that bad”. However, the more I started to meal plan I quickly realized how frequently we use them. It soon became clear that this nightshade intolerance would be the nagging little sister to a gluten intolerance. I needed a new ‘tomatoless‘ base for everything from chili to taco’s and this is what I cooked up in my homestead kitchen-

Tomato-less Marinara -no tomato, nightshade free, pasta sauce, recipe, the perfect allergy friendly dinner solutionTomatoless Sauce

Yields: 6 Cups Sauce


  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
  • 3 Carrots (diced)
  • 2 Stalks Celery (diced) 
  • 1 Small-Medium Onion (loosely diced)
  • 4 C Beef or Chicken Broth
  • 1 C Water
  • 1 C Pumpkin or 1 C Sweet Potato Puree’
  • 4 Cooked Beets (peeled and sliced)
  • 2 T Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 T Lemon Juice
  • 2 T Garlic Powder
  •  Salt and Pepper to taste
Dinner, sauce, recipe, nightshade free, nightshade intolerance 

1. Pour just enough EVOO in a Dutch oven or large stock pot to lightly coat the bottom of the pot.

2. Sautee’ carrots, celery and onions over medium heat until onions are translucent and carrots are slightly softened.

3. Add broth, water and pumpkin puree (or sweet potato puree) and simmer 2-3 minutes.

4. Add sliced beets, vinegar, lemon juice and seasonings and continue to cook 5-6 minutes or just
until hot (DO NOT over cook the sauce or it will turn brown from over cooking the beets.)

5. Using an immersion blender, puree’ and serve immediately or freeze in portion sized containers. I use a silicone muffin tin like this one, freeze individual portion sizes, pop the frozen sauce cups out, and then freeze in a gallon zip-lock for later use.