Mirror Image

I have never been one to really look at a child and say “O’you look like ____” “O’ you have so in so’s eyes”. I have always held firm that a child is born to look like him or herself and no-one else.

We are all unique, special, gifts from God…no 2 are the same!!


I took these pictures….O’my it was like looking at a picture of myself…(SCARY!) It was a mirror image….my baby days looking back at me! People have often said how much K.Bear resembles me and until this day I never saw it!!

Children are great not only do we get to be a kid again with our kids….but we get to see ourselves in a new light. A mirror image looking back in time. How did we act? What interests did we have? Were we good? How did our parents see us? A mirror does not lie!!

Whether you have birth children, adopted children, foster children, or no children at all….this can hold true! The next time you look at a child think of it as Gods way of showing you yourself. Keep it real what did he intend for you to do? Are you doing it?

In the everyday craziness it is easy to get caught up in the moment and not appreciate the “todays”!! I think it is also important to mention the tomorrows and yesterdays!!
This entry was posted in k.bear.

One comment

  1. shelley. says:

    I enjoyed this post. I know that feeling. Just recently I felt like I was watching my childhood self as my kids danced and played in and out of the pool and sprinkler in our backyard one evening. It reminded me of the carefree joy of childhood. To let them have that. And to seek it myself even now.

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