DIY Fruit and Veggie Wash; and Free Printable Label

DIY Fruit and Veggie Wash
It is no secret at this point that I love all things country!

Our recent move from the city to the country already has me trying all kinds of “new things” from raising baby chicks to planting a countless numbers of seeds for our soon to be garden. That is if/when the weather reaches above 50 degrees….I know it’s coming (eventually) 😉

Whether you grown your own fruits and veggies, purchase from a farmers market, or the local grocery store your produce requires a good washing before consumption.

Today I’m (re)sharing one of my long time favorite recipes —

You will need;

1 empty spray bottle (a rinsed out previously used one works great as long as there were no harmful chemicals in it first or check your local dollar store)
1 C water
1 C vinegar
2 Tbs. Baking Soda
2 Tbs. Lemon Juice
How To; 
Mix the water and vinegar together in a liquid measuring cup.
Add the 2 T baking soda to the bottom of the water bottle
Using the funnel gradually pour the vinegar/water mixture into the water bottle.
Add lemon juice
Gently swirl the bottle around releasing all gasses
When washing fruit or veggies simply spray with prepared wash and let sit 5 minutes.
Gently rub/scrub produce and rinse under cool water.
Don’t forget to print your free “Fruit and Veggie Wash Label“….
Fruit, Veggie, Natural, Cleaner, Home, DIY
Original Post Appeared at
Joining Pennyloveprojects and Bye, Comparison for the”Feature Friday” Linkparty – so be sure to stop by and say “Hi” for some great DIY inspirations!