E-Book “HomeWork”

The past couple weeks I have been reviewing some WEE books from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and I have truly loved each and everyone that I have read!

They are a quick mommy read with a splash of inspiration… Now, I wanted to share with you a great E-book I just finished: “HomeWork – Juggling Home, Work, and School without Losing Your Balance”!

In today’s world of complete and utter uncertainty it is essential that we have our priorities in order. What is important to you? This was a question that came to my mind frequently as I read this E-book….packed with useful tips on starting your own business, homeschooling on a busy schedule, and managing a house! Can I do this?

First, I must say this E-book could easily be an inspiration to homeschooling and non-homeschooling families alike. We are all in the same boat trying to live this thing called “life” and make it all work! “HomeWork” is a great reminder that we don’t have to do it all and certainly not alone! Most of the families who shared their stories either built businesses from a pre-existing hobby or job, a bit of inspiration, and a lot of prayer.

So what is important to you? Do you need an extra hand with “juggling” the things in your life? With a shaken economy and now crazy flu virus worries we need to look out for ourselves! Don’t lose sight of the big picture just because a few hurdles might block your path along the way. Grab life by the horns (or grab a coffee) and go for the ride! Be inspired to make a change check out “HomeWork” it might just be that extra reassurance you’ve been looking for!!

E-Book: HomeWork: Juggling Home, Work, and School Without Losing