Catch up…

This house has been virtually turned upside down for months….and its time for a bit of catch up!! There will be a “big” announcement coming in November so be sure to stay tune for that!!

But in the mean time I am going to “try” to be more diligent about “catching up” these days are filled with preschool drop off, working, praying about what to do for kindergarten, homeschooling on the down time, preschool pick up, play groups, field trips, sports, and so much more. I feel like time is slipping through the cracks and God knows we can’t let that happen….

We enjoyed some fun field trips in the past couple months one of which was to a local fair. Pumpkin went for her first pony ride and could not keep the smile off her face!! It was so much fun to watch her hop on and enjoy the ride. It made me wish we lived on a farm where she could do that everyday!!

Boo had her first encounter with animals and did surprisingly well …she was not interested in feeding them but she didn’t mind that they were in her tiny face at times. One of the best moments of this trip was when Pumpkin thought the cone filled with animal feed was a treat for her and she took a bite…she was so embarrassed. Poor baby 🙁 it was pretty funny though.

Pumpkin hopped right in every chance she could to feed the animals she is quite the country girl!
Daddy helped lots during this trip while mommy stayed on hand sanitizer patrol if I have never talked about my complete fear of germs…dirt…and uncleanliness…here it is…it makes my skin crawl…LOL 🙂