“Hey Jenny, where have you been?”
Seriously friends, how has so much time gone by? And what the heck have we been up to at #myhappyhomestead – well, here’s the inside scoop (actually for the inside, inside scoop you’ll have to join my homestead newsletter). These last several months have been filled with a plethora of ups and downs. From health scares to starting a new business and everything in-between – the days have been a whirlwind of excitement with a few bumps along the way.
I really don’t have a great excuse for not writing in this space except for I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to continue this blogging thing. Did what I have to say really matter to anyone? Was I feeding your souls with rich content or simply filling the world wide web with another ‘mom blogger’. After months of searching, pondering, and near quitting – I have decided to stick around. I love this space and I love each and everyone of you too!!
This is a space where we can come together laugh, cry, drink way too much coffee, share recipes, and live intentionally. So, what can you expect to see in the weeks, months, and lord willing years ahead –
More; “Recipes”
More on; “How Blogging Helped Me Find My Passion” and “How I Started My Own Business and Why You Should Too”
More on; “Homeschooling”, “Homeschooling A Dyslexic Child”, “Why I Almost Sent My Kids To School and Then Didn’t”
More on; “Cooking with Kids”and “Holding Kids Accountable”
Living intentionally, feeding our families, and making dreams a reality – that my friends is why I’m sticking around and I hope you will too!