Snow Day!

Blizzard? Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it that…but we did get snow!! Starting at 8:30AM my girls were already begging me to go outside. I had two options argue, “it is too cold outside” or let them experience it first hand. I went with the second option, and much to my surprise they lasted about 12 minutes!!
 Pajamas on underneath their snowsuits….Pumpkin and Boo were off  “rolling, throwing, shoveling, and screaming” for 12 minutes…and then they decided it was time for hot chocolate. I in the mean time already had the hot water on, and was staying toasty warm inside with my little man!

 Mr. Smiles is getting so big…WAY TOO fast!! At 71/2 months old he has mastered crawling at lightning speed, say’s “Dada”, sits independently, has 2 bottom teeth, and continues to amaze me with his eagerness to learn. He loves his sisters (hair pulling love)! He loves his Mommy (giving me wet kisses daily) ! He loves his Daddy (he is even starting to tackle…such a boy)!
As our day progressed I decided it was a great time to introduce our “Valentines Sensory Bucket”….
well, lets just say things went sour FAST! 
What started off as this;
Quickly ended up in this;
I have no idea how Boo turned on a dime (nor what set her off). The girls went from “making salad’ and “sloppy joes” to……HUGE tantrum! Yes, I really did strap her in a booster seat. Only after many failed attempts at sending her to her room, and using the time out rug….this girl has lungs!! Exhausting…I just try to tell myself  “and this too shall pass”, right?

I leave you with this…my screaming two year old who nearly brought me to tears today…really is a beautiful girl!! This picture was taken after a 1 hr nap and a snack…Amazing!!

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