
We all have them “Friends” I sat in my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group yesterday learning about “How to Make a Marriage Last”! It was a great talk from one of my favorite guest speakers. If you are not familiar with MOPS I can’t say enough great things about it check to see if there is a group near you!! I have loved all of my MOPS mornings (2x’s a mo for 3 years now!!)

Now, that being said our guest speaker brought up how our husbands minds are wired differently from ours. We all know men and women really do think differently and come on ladies lets face it your man does not like to talk nearly as much as you do! That’s why we have friends. I got to thinking about all of my friends near, far, old, new, and those I long to meet in the future. Our life is full of different “seasons”! “Seasons” of change! Relationships change as God leads us on our journey of life. There are the childhood friends (you just couldn’t live without), college/party friends, the parenting friends, and now thanks to the internet online friends.

In all my many “seasons” of life thus far the one friendship that has remained virtually the same is that of my younger sister. We are each others rock through thick and thin. We have survived childhood, the unpredictable years of adolescence, high school, crazy college years, marriage, and we are now in the “season” of childbearing/early childhood years. As we anxiously await the new arrival of my newest niece or nephew to our family. I tell you this not to share a great story of how wonderful my sister is; and how blessed I am to have her in my life, but to encourage you as mothers of young children to foster those sibling relationship with your little ones. Encourage your little ones to have lasting, loving relationships with their sister and/or brother. It was the best gift my parents could have ever given us!!

Now, that I am in the “season” of raising children I pray for Gods strength to help me guide my little ones through their friendship journey together. I have thought many times as I watch my sweet little girls interacting together; the loud giggles, playing together, hair pulling, and lots of hugs, this is a process of their childhood. At times when squabbles may occur ask for strength and when all is quiet sit back rest assured that when you have passed on your children will have a “rock” an everlasting “friendship” to cling onto!


  1. mimi says:

    You are so right about my dirt! I said just that as they were delivering it “um, isn’t it just going to blow away?” LOL

    We used to live in MI…as I look around your blog I notice many things we have in common-homeschooling,natural and organic living(trying at least),coffee, reading…and I have a feeling more. Hope you visit again 🙂

  2. Little Sis says:

    I love you big sis! Through thick and thin (really thin right now), like you said we are rocks for eachother and we will get through another challenge in our life. Stay strong for me, you, our kids and family!!!

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