Warning: Kids @ Play

Ah yes, here we are a lovely rainy, cold day out on our boat. The sound of children playing in the background as I read a good book on my nook. We are warm and cozy indoors just the six of us.

Oops wait…what this picture is not telling you is that my children yelling at each other as they  ‘mess up’ someone else’s toy master piece reaches decibels I’m pretty sure my ears were never meant to hear. It also does not tell the ‘countless’ times I repeated ‘kind words’, ‘soft voices’ , ‘get along or else…’!

The reality parenting is hard work. Although, the reward of my work is so much more than I deserve:  the countless kisses, big hugs, and tons of snuggles I receive. The blessing of having these four little monkeys to raise is truly a gift but each seed that is planted needs constant watering in order to flourish. Which means I must repeat myself ‘countless’ times and ‘get over ‘ my ‘perfect vision’ of what I think ‘it’ should look like. The reality is my kids are little sinners just like myself. Therefore, it is completely unreasonable of me to think they would be ‘perfect’. Our world throws ‘perfection’ in a mothers face. The world is ‘full’ of social media “fakeness”. We never truly ‘see’ the full picture that is until someone lets us in on the ‘real’ deal.
So when my children reach near inaudible tones may I remember that it is season and the ‘coaching’ I’m doing will someday pay off. I just might need a hearing aid in order to enjoy the ‘fruits’ of my labor in the future or at least invest in some good ear plugs until then. 

Join me and some fellow bloggers as we let you in on;


Mystery trip

Growing up as kids my parents would frequently take us on what was known as a family “Mystery Trip” my sister and I did not know where we were going, who would be there, or what to expect along the way. Some trips were bigger than others but it was always a special surprise none the less. I have been thrilled to start this same tradition with our children.
One of our most recent “Mystery Trips” was a “trip downtown” (yes, that is a trip to my kids as it is not someplace we go often) to see Sesame Street live at The Fox Theater.  Friends of ours invited us to join them in their suite and enjoy a complimentary luncheon as well. It was a great time enjoyed by all! 
 Some trips are “big” some are “small” but none are ever forgotten! A good “Mystery Trip” is one that is imprinted on our child’s soul for a lifetime. Making memories and sharing in the thing that matters most spending time together.

Why Gluten Free?

We are going on 1 month of gluten free living and I couldn’t be happier with the results! I never talked much about the struggles we would encounter in our day with little Miss K.Bear. Not because I was trying to “hide” anything but simply put it was our “normal”. K.Bear has always been our spunky, ‘spirited’, strong willed, and just ‘more’ everything child. She is super bright, cute, funny, and a “little mommy” at heart. K.Bear has never “really” slept through the night (yes, she will be 4 in August) that means very little sleep for Mommy! She always seemed to “fly off the handle” at the blink of an eye and I truly couldn’t do anything right at times! She nearly potty trained herself at just over a year old…normal? She has been my tiny little ball of ‘spunk’ for years!

None the less, I am her mother and God blessed us with this beautiful baby girl….we trudge along…what is a mother to do? Things were getting worse by the day and I was quickly reaching a breaking point.  “Night waking” and “night tantrums” 2-3 times a week at 1:00/2:00 in the morning for nearly a year has been the norm. I would literally get up at that time out of “routine” and pray she would sleep through “it” tonight. Taking her to the van (yes, in the cold) to “shock” her out of “it” (while, this was certainly not a cure it did help a little). Exhausting, draining, emotional, and confusing…I was riding a K.Bear roller coaster!!

The bottom fell out; it was Saturday night (tantrum…hit 1:00AM lasting 30-45 minutes…in a freezing van) back to bed for some sleep…normal?!?

Sunday…a tired, exhausted child is never fun to deal with….the day seemed to be going “as usual” a cranky moment here, some play, and some more whining… nothing really out of the ordinary for a Sunday afternoon. K.bear requested a snack before dinner (animal crackers) so I proceeded to give her some while I prepped dinner. The initial requested immediately turned into I want more (mind you she hadn’t even eaten one yet!) …rolling on the floor because I only have her 2 more in the bowl (it is dinner time after all)…and I quickly watched my child “lose it”…for 2 1/2 hours!! She never recovered….

and there began our gluten free journey!

I share our story with you in hopes of helping others in a similar situation. This is just a ‘glimpse’ of the puzzle I began to piece together…and look forward to sharing so much more with you in the near future!